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2017-10-02 00:18:21 UTC

"National Socialism" is still capitalist, natsocs don't like to admit it

2017-10-02 00:18:27 UTC

in what way

2017-10-02 00:18:29 UTC

good night

2017-10-02 00:18:43 UTC

define 'national socialism' then

2017-10-02 00:18:48 UTC

>it says socialism so it must be socialist

2017-10-02 00:19:06 UTC

I guess the DPRK is a democratic people's republic then

2017-10-02 00:19:34 UTC

so then two feet means three feet?

2017-10-02 00:20:39 UTC

National socialism supports people as a community, as cogs in a machine. It isn't 100% comparable to actual socialism, but it's against this idea that corporations can shit all over everyone

2017-10-02 00:21:08 UTC

Iirc there were some socialistic measures

2017-10-02 00:21:20 UTC

Earlier guy mentioned pregnant women and so forth

2017-10-02 00:21:33 UTC

They support their people, they don't just let them starve, etc

2017-10-02 00:21:37 UTC

2017-10-02 00:21:38 UTC

>they still think socialism is the government doing stuff

2017-10-02 00:21:47 UTC

Can't read German

2017-10-02 00:21:53 UTC

By this logic socialists may as well bow to the feet of FDR.

2017-10-02 00:22:23 UTC

Don't know that image, don't know who drew it, don't know if it's legitimate, don't know how it's even remotely relevant

2017-10-02 00:22:47 UTC

It's a political cartoon showcasing what national socialism really was.

2017-10-02 00:23:01 UTC


2017-10-02 00:23:13 UTC

"National socialism thinks that corporations shouldn't shit all over people"

2017-10-02 00:23:23 UTC

This is basically the nazbol approach

2017-10-02 00:23:29 UTC

That's why they shut down every independent union am I right?

2017-10-02 00:23:58 UTC


2017-10-02 00:24:17 UTC

>literally whatabout duh jews

2017-10-02 00:24:40 UTC

i mean thats kind of another fallacy u have to actually research it first before dismissing it like that

2017-10-02 00:24:45 UTC

Nah just mentioning that it's the nazbol approach

2017-10-02 00:24:51 UTC

I do my research.

2017-10-02 00:24:52 UTC

Because you were raging about it earlier

2017-10-02 00:24:57 UTC

That's why I became a socialist, literally.

2017-10-02 00:24:58 UTC

"1. The right to employment

The foundation for solving the social question is the realization of the right to employment, which can only happen through our job creation program. A law on employment will lay down the rights of the worker. Freedom for creative labor will be assured, freedom for capitalist exploitation abolished."

2017-10-02 00:25:09 UTC

from the nsdap economic program

2017-10-02 00:25:09 UTC

If you did your research you wouldn't be a communist

2017-10-02 00:25:29 UTC

if communism worked in any case but a utopian society where it is an arbitrary concept in that regard id be a communist

2017-10-02 00:25:47 UTC

Nobody says it's going to be utopian

2017-10-02 00:25:53 UTC

@styles That was a program in many capitalist nations at the time. They name drop capitalists and exploitation in there but it's pretty much a bastardization of the term.

2017-10-02 00:26:13 UTC

Exploitation refers to the extraction of surplus value.

2017-10-02 00:26:15 UTC

This argument is really just a bunch of semantics

2017-10-02 00:26:17 UTC

@olev good because it wouldn't be

2017-10-02 00:26:55 UTC


2017-10-02 00:27:00 UTC

thats not only definition i think

2017-10-02 00:27:01 UTC

It isn't a bunch of semantics.

2017-10-02 00:27:12 UTC

It's literally "what is socialism" in a different context.

2017-10-02 00:27:25 UTC

Socialism has a scientific definition in relation to economics, not some idealist bullshit.

2017-10-02 00:27:46 UTC

Marxists will define it differently than NS, in the end they're all just words.

2017-10-02 00:28:13 UTC

'scientfic definition'

2017-10-02 00:28:17 UTC

what do you mean by this

2017-10-02 00:28:47 UTC

National Socialists have their own special snowflake definition because they're not actually socialists.

2017-10-02 00:28:55 UTC

These arguments never really achieve anything, because we have completely different worldivews, not just political differences.

2017-10-02 00:29:01 UTC

Didn't USSR shut down the unions too

2017-10-02 00:29:09 UTC

They approve of private property, private ownership, capitalists, surplus value extraction, capital accumulation, etc.

2017-10-02 00:29:12 UTC

socialistic economics is a measure i would take it

2017-10-02 00:29:13 UTC

They aren't socialists.

2017-10-02 00:29:25 UTC
2017-10-02 00:29:31 UTC

For different reasons though.

2017-10-02 00:29:40 UTC

High taxes, universal healthcare, welfare, isn't socialism

2017-10-02 00:29:55 UTC

You heard it right here folks

2017-10-02 00:29:57 UTC

welfare is socialistic

2017-10-02 00:30:01 UTC

1950's america was literally socialism.

2017-10-02 00:30:01 UTC

It isn't

2017-10-02 00:30:03 UTC

taxes is not on the basis of socialism

2017-10-02 00:30:12 UTC

Welfalre is not socialist

2017-10-02 00:30:13 UTC

@styles Socialism is about ownership.

2017-10-02 00:30:18 UTC

An effective argument, wouldn't focus on the material differences and policies of past states, but rather on the worldviews that these ideas belong to

2017-10-02 00:30:26 UTC

Welfare is not ownership, it's a way to make being poor less shitty.

2017-10-02 00:30:48 UTC

Rather forever poor

2017-10-02 00:30:49 UTC

a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More

2017-10-02 00:30:54 UTC


2017-10-02 00:31:39 UTC

freikorps a correct argument is about using objective reasoning so therefore subjective interest is fallacious in any argument

2017-10-02 00:31:40 UTC

"the principles or policies associated with a welfare state."

2017-10-02 00:31:43 UTC

>google definition

2017-10-02 00:31:50 UTC

"means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

2017-10-02 00:31:59 UTC

The means of production is not owned in a welfare state.

2017-10-02 00:32:16 UTC

owned by who

2017-10-02 00:32:44 UTC

By the community or society, or specifically in Marxism, the working-class

2017-10-02 00:33:05 UTC

Meanwhile in the news

2017-10-02 00:33:30 UTC

Would maket socialsim be socialist then?

2017-10-02 00:33:31 UTC

the means of production just means the production industry i take it and that would be owned by specific individuals

2017-10-02 00:33:45 UTC

but the welfare system is controlled by the government

2017-10-02 00:33:50 UTC

which is voted in by the people in a democracy

2017-10-02 00:33:54 UTC

ultimately being socialistic

2017-10-02 00:34:01 UTC

Styles, I have a pretty good article about social democracy and democratic socialism you could read.

2017-10-02 00:34:10 UTC

lets see it

2017-10-02 00:34:14 UTC

Welfare isn't a means of production

2017-10-02 00:34:36 UTC

Also that's public ownership, which is very loosely even socialist

2017-10-02 00:34:42 UTC

It was a proposed system that expressed ownership over welfare, and was resisted by the employer class of Sweden.

2017-10-02 00:36:06 UTC

You see, in the Swedish welfare state, the working-class had a much more equal distribution of wealth and had benefits, but this failed to address the underlying problem of ownership and in this specific case *who was still accumulating the most capital?*

2017-10-02 00:36:23 UTC

Despite the working-class creating that through their labor.

2017-10-02 00:36:46 UTC

but that goes under the idea of putting in place a full 100% socialistic society

2017-10-02 00:36:51 UTC

where everything is equally owned by everyone

2017-10-02 00:37:00 UTC

but we all know that doesnt work (unless in a utopian society)

2017-10-02 00:37:10 UTC

Everything, no. The economic decisions, yes.

2017-10-02 00:37:11 UTC

What do you mean it doesn't work?

2017-10-02 00:37:47 UTC

As we can see through this swedish case, the biggest hurdle against it working was actually the resistance from the capitalists.

2017-10-02 00:37:56 UTC

Resistance from capital in general, really.

2017-10-02 00:38:14 UTC

because 1: it is a primary human instinct to put themselves above everything else

2017-10-02 00:38:29 UTC

and 2: most of them are smart enough to get in such economic power in the first place they know it wouldnt work

2017-10-02 00:38:41 UTC

you cant just 'equally' give the wealth of the economy to everyone

2017-10-02 00:38:43 UTC

I disagree. Read the article, it's actually very interesting.

2017-10-02 00:38:50 UTC

there is too much exploitation involved

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