
Discord ID: 402004237527023617

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2018-01-15 22:11:21 UTC

Good road for the banner drop?

2018-01-15 22:13:54 UTC

Do it and get good pics

2018-01-15 22:14:40 UTC

2018-01-15 22:16:49 UTC

That looks familiar..

2018-01-15 22:18:03 UTC

Didn't account for it being a unusually windy, going back to try to resecure it amd get better pictures

2018-01-15 22:21:23 UTC

@Jelly MI It's a vertical pic, but out of all the photos and videos it's the best thing we got when it comes to showing flyers at the event.

2018-01-15 22:21:38 UTC

Y'all managed to hand out 400 flyers and get none of that on video.

2018-01-15 22:22:03 UTC

@Alfred NC Always either put the top rope through the middle of the banner, or tie it vertically up through the center.

2018-01-15 22:23:05 UTC

It was a learning experience

2018-01-15 22:23:21 UTC

Everyone messes up their first drop. Without a doubt.

2018-01-15 22:23:55 UTC

Yeah, there was a lack of video. Next time I'm gonna try and record some myself

2018-01-15 22:25:08 UTC

2018-01-15 22:25:22 UTC

@Chris GA Where was this?

2018-01-15 22:32:41 UTC

12 stone church in snellville ga

2018-01-15 22:35:00 UTC


2018-01-15 23:39:57 UTC

Did you take them with you, or leave them there?

2018-01-15 23:41:49 UTC

@Rocky Place do you require anything from me for filming on the night of the 27th?

2018-01-15 23:45:13 UTC

@Rocky Place We left 'em.

2018-01-15 23:45:30 UTC

Wind wasn't too bad. Bet they stayed up for a while.

2018-01-15 23:57:04 UTC
2018-01-16 00:04:55 UTC

Ill be in VC

2018-01-16 00:16:44 UTC

Is VC a meeting or just boys hanging

2018-01-16 00:16:51 UTC

Boys hanging.

2018-01-16 00:17:47 UTC

When you see commie counter protesters

2018-01-16 00:22:00 UTC


2018-01-16 00:22:06 UTC

Was that Dindu Muffins guy serious?

2018-01-16 00:22:13 UTC


2018-01-16 00:22:19 UTC

Because what he wrote is exactly the kind of shit I write when I'm making fun of Siegefags

2018-01-16 00:24:35 UTC

@Doctor Mayhem No he's serious. Check the rest of his feed.

2018-01-16 00:27:10 UTC


2018-01-16 00:27:13 UTC


2018-01-16 00:27:26 UTC

Satire is completely and utterly superfluous.

2018-01-16 00:46:08 UTC

Love it. Glad I was wearing a mask

2018-01-16 00:49:42 UTC

`This is the most organized fascist presence Iโ€™ve seen at any chicago demo.`

2018-01-16 00:51:49 UTC


2018-01-16 00:55:41 UTC

Lol he has a photo of latkes

2018-01-16 00:56:15 UTC

@Doctor Mayhem No commentary on the poster?

2018-01-16 00:56:46 UTC

I think it stands by itself

2018-01-16 00:57:02 UTC

And who are these fags calling 'Murican flags nazi?

2018-01-16 00:57:06 UTC

I hope they keep it up

2018-01-16 00:59:28 UTC

They have developed some solid propaganda, it's a shame the members, at least that I met, were all, uh... not good for optics.

2018-01-16 00:59:31 UTC

I think I'm gonna just mock Dindu Muffins on Gab for a bit

2018-01-16 00:59:46 UTC

Dindu Muffins @Dindu_Muffins
4 minutes
It's not satire. Death to America, and the faggot traitors of Gaytriot Front.

2018-01-16 01:00:10 UTC

@Doctor Mayhem Wrecked. Pack up, guys. It's over.

2018-01-16 01:04:21 UTC

Hail Victory. Stay strong my brothers.

2018-01-16 01:09:33 UTC

2018-01-16 01:09:44 UTC


2018-01-16 01:17:21 UTC

While I don't like it, I can certainly see why so many are rejecting Christianity

2018-01-16 01:19:52 UTC

2018-01-16 01:25:27 UTC

New Queen!

2018-01-16 01:28:11 UTC

Itโ€™ll always be Ann

2018-01-16 01:59:34 UTC

Tfw Ann starts funding RWDS

2018-01-16 01:59:41 UTC

As performance art

2018-01-16 02:06:48 UTC

2018-01-16 02:15:39 UTC

2018-01-16 02:18:32 UTC

Antifa back in the day.

2018-01-16 02:19:43 UTC

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

2018-01-16 02:28:32 UTC

Aus bros step another rung down the ladder towards societal dissolution.

2018-01-16 02:49:08 UTC

Voice chat faggots @here

2018-01-16 02:51:14 UTC Hope the Chicago guys have good pimp hands

2018-01-16 02:52:57 UTC

I practice white shairah on the daily

2018-01-16 02:56:45 UTC

That dude don't understand that woman follow

2018-01-16 02:57:22 UTC

We're mostly men, and so women will follow our lead. It is simply human nature.

2018-01-16 03:18:29 UTC

So, what your saying is that we only have to worry about 40% of them?

2018-01-16 03:18:37 UTC


2018-01-16 03:29:09 UTC

Dsa also recruits high schoolers so less then that

2018-01-16 03:51:50 UTC

Criminal's cry and hug families when punished

2018-01-16 04:07:04 UTC

Illegal lawyer said that the revolution was caused because the crown restricted immigration.

2018-01-16 04:07:37 UTC

The only immigration I can imagine was the immigration of American settlers westward into tribal territory.

2018-01-16 04:07:49 UTC

But that's not really immigration. It's expansion.

2018-01-16 04:08:54 UTC

And ***then*** he uses the Statue of Liberty poem argument.

2018-01-16 04:09:12 UTC

๐Ÿ˜’ ๐Ÿ˜’ ๐Ÿ˜’ ๐Ÿ˜’ ๐Ÿ˜’ ๐Ÿ˜’ ๐Ÿ˜’

2018-01-16 04:11:00 UTC


2018-01-16 04:11:13 UTC

Been nice thinking we wouldn't go to WW3 with Russia

2018-01-16 04:12:02 UTC

Identity Statue Nationalism looking better.

2018-01-16 04:16:01 UTC

Our posters are way cooler js.

2018-01-16 04:17:15 UTC

Statues taking their destiny back, Watch out.

2018-01-16 04:17:34 UTC

Fun fact, that statue is in a Jewish cemetary in Germany.

2018-01-16 04:17:59 UTC

"Libertarian Socialist organization focused on radical municipalism and bringing direct democracy and cooperation into our communities."

Enjoy your cancer

2018-01-16 04:18:26 UTC

2018-01-16 04:21:24 UTC

Page 4:
` In the earliest human societies, any biological differences among people, as in age or gender, were organized such to promote the unity and survival of the group. Over time, through a slow and unsteady process, human relations were changed and institutionalized to the harsh forms of hierarchy that we know of today, such as sexism, racism, homophobia, ablism, and so on.`

So, these natural classifications that humans structured their societies around, in order to help them survive became completely meaningless because of institutions?

2018-01-16 04:24:08 UTC

I made it to the front page.

2018-01-16 04:24:13 UTC

I can't read that shit man.

2018-01-16 04:24:20 UTC

Give me a TL:DR

2018-01-16 04:27:05 UTC

Page 9:
`What we commonly call politics today should instead be called Statecraft. Statecraft is the practice of exercising power over citizens. This power is held by professional politicians and bureaucrats and is backed by a monopoly of violence through the institutions of the military, secret service, police, prison industrial complex, and the like.`

466 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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