
Discord ID: 457991466174906368

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2018-09-14 13:34:42 UTC

I miss sasha RIP IN PEACE

2018-09-14 14:13:56 UTC


2018-09-14 17:04:34 UTC

@csquare huh? I'm still here! You mean Sunny?

2018-09-14 17:05:05 UTC


2018-09-14 17:05:11 UTC

youve changed

2018-09-14 17:05:38 UTC

@csquare Hahaha lolz! I changed it to my gamertag on XBox

2018-09-14 17:06:05 UTC

O cool you on xbone?

2018-09-14 17:06:20 UTC

what games you run?

2018-09-14 17:07:06 UTC


2018-09-14 17:07:59 UTC

i been running pubg and farcry5

2018-09-14 17:08:00 UTC


2018-09-14 17:08:11 UTC

is pubg better on xbox than pc?

2018-09-14 17:08:16 UTC
2018-09-14 17:08:24 UTC

pc has hackers

2018-09-14 17:08:31 UTC

that's funny, I had thought about changing mine to my xbox gamertag

2018-09-14 17:08:32 UTC

it annoys the f**k outa me

2018-09-14 17:08:39 UTC

I got PUBG

2018-09-14 17:08:43 UTC

I am mywormwood or mywoodworm any yall can add me

2018-09-14 17:08:57 UTC

will do - I'm WarJunkie187

2018-09-14 17:09:12 UTC

im on steam and xbone

2018-09-14 17:09:24 UTC


2018-09-14 17:09:51 UTC

I have only played it on xbone but the update has me feeling weak

2018-09-14 17:09:57 UTC

i play pubg, battlefield, SW battlefront, and sports games

2018-09-14 17:10:36 UTC

How is SW battlefront, all the loot box ish scared me away

2018-09-14 17:11:28 UTC

@TheSatireGames supposedly better on PC because it is more stable.

2018-09-14 17:11:52 UTC

@csquare I think it's awesome although it does take some time to upgrade your dudes

2018-09-14 17:11:54 UTC

@Orlando I'll add you tonight!

2018-09-14 17:12:03 UTC

last time i played there was atleast one person using aimbot per match

2018-09-14 17:12:36 UTC

Let's move the convo to <#489627090300305418>

2018-09-14 17:13:18 UTC


2018-09-14 19:32:35 UTC

The star war games are trash

2018-09-14 19:32:56 UTC

I like bf1

2018-09-14 19:33:09 UTC

And also titanfall 2

2018-09-16 03:48:46 UTC

If your just gonna insult and harass me, i'll leave, goodbye reap what you sow sinners.

2018-09-16 03:48:53 UTC

Reap what you sow.

2018-09-16 03:48:58 UTC

God sees all.

2018-09-16 13:39:23 UTC

@Tifa Lightning AA Who are you referring to?

2018-09-16 13:39:46 UTC

@Tifa Lightning AA#8720 Who are you referring to?

2018-09-16 14:21:26 UTC

Heโ€™s a sperg

2018-09-16 14:22:07 UTC

He comes into voice with a vicious rampage of slurs and threats

2018-09-16 14:22:23 UTC

Then pretends to be civil

2018-09-16 14:22:48 UTC

He left the server after Chris renamed him (soy boy manlet)

2018-09-16 14:56:34 UTC


2018-09-17 20:40:41 UTC
2018-09-17 21:02:32 UTC

๐Ÿ†™ | **Lady Ramune leveled up!**

2018-09-18 16:15:23 UTC

@everyone - What have you done to better yourself today, BOND family?

2018-09-18 16:18:46 UTC

Morning/Afternoon all.

Today I set a few more goals. Being an artist I've been looking to diversify my talents and improve upon others.
So I've decided on dedicating time to purely studying new things and taking multiple classes to indeed improve in multiple fields.

Because it comes easily it's helping to build confidence and give me the drive to pursue other avenues as well. Including those that lie outside of art as a whole.

2018-09-18 16:59:25 UTC

Good job sir

2018-09-18 17:00:04 UTC

I bettered myself today by going to school, set up math tutoring for tomorrow & am studying today <:GWpinkuKannaPat:393081472162201613>

2018-09-18 17:00:27 UTC

I pooped today

2018-09-18 17:00:32 UTC


2018-09-18 17:01:12 UTC

Seriously though Iโ€™ve bettered myself by absolving conflicts between personnel at work.

2018-09-18 17:01:18 UTC

Being a light unto others

2018-09-18 17:01:20 UTC

Love it

2018-09-18 17:02:45 UTC

I have a โ€œI pooped todayโ€ pin on one of my backpacks ๐Ÿ’ฉ

2018-09-18 17:42:52 UTC

I am learning more about spiritual warfare to gain strength. That is the most important tool that I need.

2018-09-18 18:09:13 UTC

not allowing Satan to enter my spiritual door . By resisting the temptations and seeing the lies She spews through her venomous tongue .. Satan has the control of alot of living things now and you can see her in places youd never thought shed be ..

2018-09-18 19:46:18 UTC

Excellent progress everyone!

2018-09-18 20:01:10 UTC

By not participating in the drama around me. And not being influenced by it.

2018-09-18 20:01:58 UTC

Upping the frequency of my silent prayers and better eating habits. ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2018-10-03 07:51:05 UTC

@everyone how has Jesse Lee Peterson's work made an impact on you?

2018-10-03 07:53:53 UTC

reconsidered the male and female brain function...

2018-10-03 10:10:32 UTC

@J_G_ The significance of forgiveness.

2018-10-03 10:36:34 UTC

He gave me the ability to become a man and to leave the nest, and to forge a path for myself. Without him, Iโ€™m still be living at my parentโ€™s house.

2018-10-03 23:31:05 UTC


2018-10-03 23:31:08 UTC

is jesse here

2018-10-04 02:06:34 UTC

he's late

2018-10-04 04:29:45 UTC

Jesse has taught me to be able to deal with the children of the lie without anger. I found it hard to even talk to them before. I have learned to humble myself even though I know I am right. I knew that anger was the most destructive force in my life, but I did not realize how much it controls you. People have always followed me for some reason. I now lead with a good example, and do not let anger get in the way of God's plan for my life.

2018-10-05 14:09:26 UTC

Does anyone here have experience with forgiving abuse mothers?

2018-10-05 14:10:43 UTC


2018-10-05 14:16:48 UTC

yes: my mom use to whip with rando objects and a lil slapping and punching. single mom in the south tho

2018-10-05 14:20:03 UTC

Dont know your extent of abuse, but mine was easy to let go bud

2018-10-05 14:23:38 UTC

I'm going to forgive her tomorrow, but she is evil and lies and manipulates constantly. I would like to continue keeping her out of my life and receive God's love is this possible?

2018-10-05 14:24:42 UTC

man o man of course

2018-10-05 14:24:53 UTC

it is kinda the natural way jump out that nest and fly away

2018-10-05 14:26:48 UTC

after you turn that rough patch into a growing experience, you can move on, overcome

2018-10-05 14:33:42 UTC

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It feels like the right thing to do is keep her out of my life.

2018-10-05 14:36:22 UTC

your welcome

2018-10-05 14:37:00 UTC

if it helps mine dont even talk to me any more haha

2018-10-05 14:37:49 UTC

As long as you have Gods love!

2018-10-06 22:58:19 UTC

Hey @Seven I've recently overcame my abusive mother. I forgave her for her ignorance, forgave her for what she knew was wrong, but did for her pleasure. The truth is, she either didn't know what she was doing, or didnt have control of her self.

2018-10-06 23:01:52 UTC

Beware the emotional "sobpology" she will use to make you feel sorry for her. JLP teaches truth when he says emotion is not part of manliness. So when she goes into full submit mode, and tries to act helpless she wants your compassion. Dont give it to her, reserve that passion for God, hold your emotion, forgive her, and fly the nest. Fly high and fast.

2018-10-08 13:33:09 UTC

I have a good couple of questions for Jesse/Any Men to answer:
1) A woman can't give love because the man is the one who is supposed to give it to the woman. How can a single woman move about the world successfully without love from a man?

2) How do you know when you have met your Alpha male? Did it start off having alot of things in common (like normal) or was it something deeper?

2018-10-08 13:38:09 UTC

@Deleted User I don't have all of the answers but an alpha won't be emotional and he wont be driven by sexual lust or any other physical pleasures. If he has anger for anyone, he is a beta

2018-10-08 13:45:09 UTC

@Seven Thank you for your answer. I would like to expand a little on your answer: So, are you saying that a man shouldn't say how he feels about the woman. It is assumed? This is why I am confused.

2018-10-08 13:57:00 UTC

Sure he can say what he feels, but what he feels should not be lustful or emotional. He should be stoic. Jesse recommends that men and women date for 1 year without sex or any sensuality before getting married and then becoming intimate. This is the best possible scenario for each of you and your future children. So It would be assumed that you spend lots of time with each other and build a spiritual bond before becoming intimate. So naturally I would assume after those 50+ dates you would have a pretty clear understanding that he was into you especially if he respected you enough to reserve his lust.

2018-10-08 14:25:42 UTC

Understood, thank you. @Seven

2018-10-08 14:27:06 UTC

@Seven Do you want to give a stab at the original question? How can a single woman navigate this world without the love of a man?

2018-10-08 14:39:42 UTC

@Deleted User Sure, it's a great question. She should be still and know God so that he can reveal to her her path, with his love - which is the strongest love - he should fill her heart with his love and provide to her his plan. JLP recommends silent prayer every morning and night.

2018-10-08 14:48:38 UTC

Awesome answer, thank you!

2018-10-08 14:48:44 UTC
2018-10-08 15:28:32 UTC

@Seven Its a really good idea to have actually forgiven her in your heart before you tell her. Instead of expecting the forgiveness conversation to work like some magic spell. Also, I bet you got some anger at your dad for just letting you sit there in that abuse. He had to know.

2018-10-08 15:32:40 UTC

Sometimes we have anger hidden in our heart. I thought I was good with my dad, until I realized I wasn't. Turns out he was just as forgivable as my mom.

2018-10-08 15:33:30 UTC

my mom cried and acted like she was doubling over with the pain of it. "I had no idea i was like that" she said. :/ ok. My dad said Thank you

2018-10-08 16:09:50 UTC

Also, spot on calling her behavior "on the offensive " instead of mistaking it as defensive. She wants you to think its defensive so you will feel like you are attacking her. Straight manipulation.

2018-10-08 16:29:55 UTC

@Deleted User You can love your man, and even tell him so. You just cant give him love, or provide love to him. No more than I can give love to Christ Jesus, even though I love him. A weak man will depend on that love, he will "need" it from you to fill him. A strong man won't have to depend on it, no more than Christ Jesus depends on my love.

2018-10-08 16:37:43 UTC

To answer #2 You will know you have your alpha when you love him, but he doesnt lean on it. If he starts whining and seeking your comfort, and tellin you all about his bad day looking for you to make him feel better, you got yourself a BAYTUH MALE

2018-10-08 16:38:43 UTC

Also, you really shouldnt have too much in common, or else he would be like you, a woman.

2018-10-08 17:01:32 UTC

@DasBoles Thank you for those answers! In relation to your first answer, can you please clarify your first statement by providing examples?

139,643 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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