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2017-02-06 17:57:22 UTC

No...cause we aren't violent retards

2017-02-06 17:57:38 UTC

These ppl weren't just protesting

2017-02-06 17:57:39 UTC

we dont need to be violent to be targets tho

2017-02-06 17:57:40 UTC

thought crime

2017-02-06 17:58:28 UTC

if that's the case then we are all already dead....Carry on

2017-02-06 17:59:30 UTC

mmm i suppose

2017-02-06 18:04:31 UTC

you've missed the point @c6%G. Their violence opens the legal doors for the gov to start looking.

If we aren't actively comitting crimes, they can't come after our speech. Thought and speech aren't illegal yet.

2017-02-06 18:05:22 UTC

if they're going after FB data though, they'll quickly find these people are all related and I bet a RICO case will start being built

2017-02-06 18:05:41 UTC

can someone tell musonius rufus im banned from faceberg until the end of the month

2017-02-06 18:05:42 UTC

the only org RICO hasn't successfully taken out is the hells angels

2017-02-06 18:05:47 UTC

RICO took out the NYC mob

2017-02-06 18:05:56 UTC

im getting banned from everywhere

2017-02-06 18:06:25 UTC

Interesting. I wonder if twitter is sharing their block strategies

2017-02-06 18:15:03 UTC

And RICO is likely what they'll use to shut down the financing of these organizations.

2017-02-06 18:15:45 UTC

@YUGE true, i just feel like even if what we are doing politically isnt illegal it doesnt really matter. if we're targets they can fuck us on something unrelated

2017-02-06 18:15:49 UTC

look what happened to weev

2017-02-06 18:17:39 UTC

most of us don't really have anything to come after though

2017-02-06 18:17:51 UTC

I understand the fear, I just don't think things are that bad yet

2017-02-06 18:18:00 UTC

and the pendulum is starting to swing the other direction

2017-02-06 18:18:38 UTC

I considered it a very good sign that Trump has already directed the FBI and Homeland Security to abandon their top priority of rooting out White groups and concentrate on Muslim organizations.

2017-02-06 18:18:40 UTC

they do things like fuck with weev in an attempt to make him an example and scare us

2017-02-06 18:18:45 UTC

they can't weev us all

2017-02-06 18:19:06 UTC

that's another great point @RisingTide

2017-02-06 18:20:32 UTC


2017-02-06 18:20:34 UTC

times is good

2017-02-06 18:20:36 UTC

he also gave alex jones a white house press corps pass

2017-02-06 18:21:11 UTC

and took a giant shit on jake tapper in prime time

2017-02-06 18:22:51 UTC

we're about to get a SCOTUS judge that started a fascism forever club

2017-02-06 18:23:24 UTC

so if the shit gets thiccccccccc, it looks like we'll have a friend in a high place.

2017-02-06 18:48:58 UTC

I am really not tired of winning. Not even remotely.

2017-02-06 18:55:44 UTC

Dude Alex Jones with the satanic ritual shit

2017-02-06 18:55:47 UTC

Wtf is that about

2017-02-06 19:03:31 UTC

thanks @BellaDashwood I needed that huwhite pill

2017-02-06 19:04:00 UTC

not sure what you're referring to @Pathos - NY

2017-02-06 19:04:34 UTC

Sorry yeah deleted a post there

2017-02-06 19:18:29 UTC

Dude all these fucking silent liberals under Obama who are all of a sudden constitutional lawyers and libertarians are so under my skin

2017-02-06 19:18:57 UTC

When I was a libertarian and against the war and shit and not a peep from these fuckers while their president destablizes the Middle East then insists we take them in

2017-02-06 19:59:22 UTC

Imagine our politics becomes divided between right wing authoritarians vs center right libertarians ๐Ÿ‘Œโค๏ธ

Time to flush the Poz out

2017-02-06 19:59:36 UTC

2017-02-06 20:10:43 UTC

We mainstream fam!!! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

2017-02-06 20:11:01 UTC

Here's poor Bell being all nice and sweet then this douche bag comes along

2017-02-06 20:11:02 UTC

2017-02-06 20:11:19 UTC

2017-02-06 20:11:27 UTC

2017-02-06 20:25:53 UTC

Lmao yeah man me, D'marcus and Asgardian are kike plants.

2017-02-06 20:26:10 UTC

I'm the Tom Brady account

2017-02-06 20:26:13 UTC

Fucking retards

2017-02-06 20:26:21 UTC

Hahaha nice

2017-02-06 20:32:19 UTC

What a piece of shit

2017-02-06 20:34:33 UTC

The 4 ppl that he mentioned in that one tweet have put in countless hours of our lives to try and help. And THATS what he has to say? Huh

2017-02-06 20:39:08 UTC

@BellaDashwood That's great news, and I hope Trump goes farther. My only concern right now are these courts.

I don't know how Federal courts work, but it looks like the plan is to tie Trump up in court, and he has no plan to overcome this at this point . I have faith, but I don't see a way out of this

2017-02-06 20:39:33 UTC

Sieze absolute power

2017-02-06 20:39:48 UTC

I wish. How can we help him do this?

2017-02-06 20:43:52 UTC

I dunno

2017-02-06 20:46:20 UTC

It's up to him to take the power and end this republic. I don't think he has the will to do that.

2017-02-06 20:46:53 UTC

Help a goy out

2017-02-06 21:33:28 UTC

damn most recent molymeme is really good

2017-02-06 21:37:03 UTC

see timestamp

2017-02-06 21:41:48 UTC

someone please grab the part at 52:05

2017-02-06 21:41:52 UTC

for TDS

2017-02-06 22:22:25 UTC

There's rumors Trump will go full pizzagate soon and arrest mad people

2017-02-06 22:25:45 UTC

that will be fucking glorious

2017-02-06 22:25:58 UTC

by its very nature the people effected will be the ones most against Trump, his worst enemies

2017-02-06 22:26:32 UTC

like that Bush era judge in Portland that is holding up the deportation

2017-02-06 22:31:57 UTC

Yes and I hear at least 3 supreme court judges

2017-02-06 22:34:05 UTC

Hey, are you back on Twitter?

2017-02-06 22:38:53 UTC

damn haven't heard anything re: scotus having kiddy fiddlers

2017-02-06 22:39:44 UTC

Rumor has it that Chief Justice Roberts is a closeted homosexual

2017-02-06 22:40:26 UTC

which means about 50% chance of being a pedo too

2017-02-06 22:56:01 UTC

Thanks for spreading that @BellaDashwood

2017-02-06 23:04:04 UTC

Poor guy ๐Ÿ˜” I have no choice but to donate he's fighting for my children.

2017-02-07 00:23:36 UTC

>>> The Frankfurt School grew up in Germany as a particular response to modern life. Marxism believes in crisis; everything is in crisis. The familyโ€™s in crisis; class relations are in crisis; race โ€” which they donโ€™t accept as a social concept because itโ€™s an anthropological concept and isnโ€™t reducible to economic materialism, but does exist because it exists in the mind of reactionaries and so on.

2017-02-07 00:23:46 UTC

i think i've watched this bowden lecture 5 times

2017-02-07 00:25:33 UTC

@everyone get in the voice chat

2017-02-07 00:26:22 UTC

What's wrong?

2017-02-07 00:28:42 UTC

Nothing's wrong, we're having a party, get in ๐Ÿ˜‰@Asgardian117

2017-02-07 00:41:11 UTC

Am i muted

2017-02-07 00:42:05 UTC
2017-02-07 00:42:14 UTC

not that I can tell

2017-02-07 00:44:42 UTC

2017-02-07 00:50:15 UTC

Am I breaking up at all? I'm not expecting high quality from laptop mic

2017-02-07 00:52:30 UTC

@JohnnyMonoxide can you hear me?

2017-02-07 00:53:38 UTC

brb, dunno what's going on

2017-02-07 01:12:19 UTC

TRUMP:รฟI'm fine with it, but we have it, it's there.รฟBut it's coming to a time when maybe we don't need it. That would be a wonderful thing.รฟI don't think we need it so much anymore. It has served its place, and it served its time. Some people have loved it and some people don't like it at all. But I think there will be a time when you don't need it.

2017-02-07 01:12:31 UTC

On affirmative action ^

2017-02-07 01:38:54 UTC

2017-02-07 01:55:35 UTC

Yeah I'm good

2017-02-07 01:55:42 UTC


2017-02-07 01:57:40 UTC

mmmm right

2017-02-07 02:05:07 UTC

2017-02-07 02:05:16 UTC

2017-02-07 02:07:18 UTC

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