
Discord ID: 392499032414486529

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2018-02-04 06:34:30 UTC

His tweets are protected.

2018-02-04 06:34:46 UTC

The twitter of the guy who was complaining about a game that's set in the heartland of medieval Europe featuring white people. He blocked me

2018-02-04 06:35:12 UTC

And I guess his account is protected now too

2018-02-04 06:35:31 UTC

I iz literally a kang.

2018-02-04 06:35:37 UTC

2018-02-04 06:39:27 UTC

"Oh. You guys don't understand medieval Europe. Let me link to A FUCKING TUMBLR BLOG about how Bohemian monks did illuminations of St. Maurice and other dark skinned peoples in their proper historical/biblical context (i.e. not Bohemia), to prove to you that 15th century Bohemia was just lousy with the minorities."

2018-02-04 06:41:12 UTC

Some time within 200 years of the time you are talking about there was a black man that walked through the area in question. Therefore, you much have at least 30% people of color in your game about an area that was 99.99% european at the time.k

2018-02-04 18:14:13 UTC

Fuckin boomers

2018-02-04 18:55:44 UTC

so comfortably conservative that she had to say she was conservative twice...

2018-02-05 18:30:37 UTC


2018-02-05 19:03:19 UTC

I was on this wave before you were famous don't @ me

2018-02-05 19:16:24 UTC

Lol true.

2018-02-05 19:18:55 UTC

I donโ€™t get it

2018-02-05 19:22:31 UTC

His son gave us the GT40 all charges excused

2018-02-05 20:51:00 UTC


2018-02-05 22:48:57 UTC

The virtues of the son are not necessarily the virtues of the father

2018-02-05 22:49:53 UTC

Also the GT40 is the epitome of homosexuality

2018-02-05 22:57:42 UTC

You about to get banned take thay back!

2018-02-05 23:17:58 UTC


2018-02-05 23:25:21 UTC

What the hell is that from?

2018-02-05 23:26:08 UTC

He's the guy that drank poison on live TV

2018-02-05 23:27:18 UTC

I never saw that

2018-02-05 23:27:37 UTC

I thought he was just some Pollack who was downing enough vodka to kill himself

2018-02-05 23:42:25 UTC


2018-02-05 23:44:16 UTC

I don't get it what is the GT40?

2018-02-05 23:46:48 UTC

A car I think

2018-02-05 23:50:32 UTC

Ah, but still I don't know if that faggot has read this:

2018-02-06 14:49:36 UTC

The gt40 is one of the most beautiful and best super cars ever created in America

2018-02-06 18:02:12 UTC


2018-02-06 18:02:14 UTC


2018-02-06 18:02:18 UTC

The Cringe

2018-02-06 18:03:49 UTC

Wait on who's part?

2018-02-06 18:04:38 UTC

Idk man

2018-02-06 18:04:46 UTC

In this case the Alt-Right

2018-02-06 18:04:59 UTC

And in some of those for their detractors

2018-02-06 18:27:09 UTC

People are too focused on getting those sick meme burns on their opposition to have a truly honest discussion.

2018-02-06 18:28:22 UTC

2018-02-06 18:28:59 UTC

Fuck touch screens and fuck my fat thumbs

2018-02-07 04:08:01 UTC


2018-02-07 04:08:12 UTC

๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚

2018-02-07 05:24:15 UTC

Jesus Christ. What that the fuck happened?

2018-02-07 05:35:09 UTC

Carl called the alt right white niggers

2018-02-07 05:35:12 UTC

It was funny

2018-02-07 05:39:45 UTC

Bunty? But that's Sargon

2018-02-07 05:41:36 UTC

Sorry, sargon

2018-02-07 05:41:40 UTC

Fuck Iโ€™m tired

2018-02-07 05:42:55 UTC

Hopd on a tick, did we get rid of the weeb_shit channel?

2018-02-07 05:43:20 UTC

Seems we did. Disregard what I said.

2018-02-07 05:43:54 UTC

Nah I threw it in hentai shit

2018-02-07 05:43:59 UTC

Close enough

2018-02-07 05:44:44 UTC

So what the hell set Sargon off?

2018-02-07 05:52:12 UTC

The alt right bitching

2018-02-07 05:57:48 UTC

So was it someone on the stream that did it?

2018-02-07 06:01:37 UTC

No clue I just saw the clipped part

2018-02-07 08:04:05 UTC

I actually think he was dodging confrontation

2018-02-07 08:06:01 UTC

If you noticed he all of a sudden wanted to get triggered by the chat after Michelle suggested that they bring someone from the Alt-right in to the chat

2018-02-07 16:45:40 UTC


2018-02-07 20:41:18 UTC


2018-02-07 20:41:25 UTC

Maybe Austria Hungary too

2018-02-07 20:42:11 UTC

I just said Yugoslavia because I know more but AH would be great too

2018-02-07 20:42:38 UTC

Do both

2018-02-07 20:43:43 UTC

Problem of course, depending on why your doing this, is it partially debunks the idea of pan-European. Which I realized recently that some in the AR are actually willing to support

2018-02-07 20:44:50 UTC

That was my point

2018-02-07 20:45:13 UTC

Well then you should be good

2018-02-07 20:45:17 UTC


2018-02-07 20:45:19 UTC

And I was gonna say if different Slavic groups treat each other like this how would other races

2018-02-07 20:45:23 UTC


2018-02-07 20:45:40 UTC

And the same applied to Germans and Brits and French during the world wars

2018-02-07 20:46:04 UTC

One does not simply barrage 1 million shells on Verdun

2018-02-07 20:46:43 UTC


2018-02-07 20:46:49 UTC

โ€œArtillery Barrage of Peaceโ€

2018-02-07 20:48:20 UTC

In all the deadliest battles of modern Europe, who is always present? The Germans

2018-02-08 00:29:18 UTC

There were considerably more than 1 million shells fired at Verdun. According to the nearest approximate figures, both sides launched somewhere in the ballpark of 40-60million shells. The 1 million figure was just the initial 10 hour bombardment.

2018-02-08 01:10:58 UTC

How are communists and socialists so bad at history?

2018-02-08 01:19:30 UTC


2018-02-08 01:22:11 UTC
2018-02-08 01:22:56 UTC

If I wan't blocked by everyone like this I'd ask a simple question:

2018-02-08 01:23:25 UTC

Do you want more nazi's? Because *this* is how you get more nazi's.

2018-02-08 01:25:24 UTC
2018-02-08 01:30:00 UTC

Dustin is already retarded.

2018-02-08 01:30:54 UTC

Dustin did too much heroin

2018-02-08 01:34:05 UTC

@Constantine Luna is retarded.

2018-02-08 01:34:40 UTC

What would ever make you guess?

2018-02-08 02:05:38 UTC

I know amphetamines and ketamine both reduce IQ over time when taken in the doses required to get high.

2018-02-08 02:05:50 UTC

Not sure about heroin or alcohol.

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