
Discord ID: 392859865221038090

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2018-01-30 20:29:10 UTC

It could also ruin him for relationships forever.

2018-01-30 20:31:31 UTC

But he's so blind. And he might refuse anyone telling him how fucked up the whole situation is and he should leave her. At that point, it seems like it may be destiny that his purpose is to be an example of brainwashing and moral corruption.

2018-01-30 20:35:05 UTC

2018-01-30 20:36:27 UTC

Don't be like Larry. That's the ultimate lesson.

2018-01-30 21:41:55 UTC

it gets worse. from the same group chat: "made fun of Rick. instantly Dara with the ... typing symbol.
Dara talking about how one of the maintnence guys flirts with her when Rick isnt there.
you're telling me some guys wait until a girl's boyfriend isnt around to make their move

2018-02-01 16:53:37 UTC

When you can describe an almost completely racially homogenous cast and crew as diverse just as long as they're not white. Leftism: not even once.

2018-02-01 19:16:26 UTC

Wonder who's financing the movie ๐Ÿค”

2018-02-01 19:25:58 UTC


2018-02-01 19:37:06 UTC

Sorry, *(((Disney)))

2018-02-01 22:51:29 UTC

We gotta push how problematic Wakanda is.

2018-02-01 23:58:47 UTC

It actually is if you're a pan-African nationalist. Because the scramble for Africa still happens in the Marvel universe, and Wakanda basically just hides behind their space magic walls and tells the entire rest of the continent to suck it. I'd be surprised if all the other African peoples didn't viscerally hate Wakanda

2018-02-02 00:24:00 UTC

Yeah, it's one of those things that as far as I know gets glossed over in the comics.

2018-02-02 00:24:40 UTC

Wakanda is a country of xenophobic nationalists. But it's ok when they do it?

2018-02-02 00:29:03 UTC

initially I thought the main antagonist was going to be someone from another country who hates Wakanda, but apparently he's just an exile who's bootyblasted

2018-02-02 00:29:23 UTC

oh, no. the movie was in danger of having some depth

2018-02-02 00:46:58 UTC

I've got a whole plot outline for a white black panther, but nobody would ever buy it.

2018-02-02 08:53:25 UTC

Alright Grumps you got me sold! What's the plot?

2018-02-02 09:06:06 UTC

Super short version: T'Challa tries to call out president notTrump who later lights him up on twitter about Wakanda having a wall. This coincides with a country that neighbors Wakanda (notZimbabwe) undergoing a great social upheval. T'Challa takes in a bunch of escaping refugees. White refugees specifically. Among them is a young man who has a fairly standard hero set up. Highly intelligent, etc. The taking in on refugees triggers social issues within Wakanda itself. This finally leads to T'Challa passing the mantle of the Black Panther on to this kid as a sign of a new era for the nation. As well as seperating the Black Panther persona from the Wakanda Royal bloodline.

2018-02-02 09:07:56 UTC

I personally would read it, but Marvel would never let that happen

2018-02-02 09:08:37 UTC

I know. Even though it diversifies the country and champions the cause of refugees.

2018-02-02 09:10:00 UTC

Now a days diversity means anti white really

2018-02-02 09:11:11 UTC

Anywho what was everyone's first red pill?

2018-02-02 10:45:03 UTC

Feminists are rabid cunts. That was my first redpill

2018-02-02 10:55:12 UTC

My introduction into how batshit feminism was came from my history teacher.

2018-02-02 10:55:53 UTC

We were talking about civil right movements from across the world and someone brought up feminism and asked the teacher her opinion.

2018-02-02 10:56:44 UTC

Told the class that feminists got too much power too quickly and couldn't handle it after telling us about a time her car broke down and a guy pulled over and asked if she'd be offended if he offered to help her. This was in the late 90s too.

2018-02-02 11:32:14 UTC


2018-02-02 11:33:39 UTC

Mine oddly enough was Fox news

2018-02-02 11:39:41 UTC

It was the only place where religious people or conservatives were not being unfairly mocked or slandered

2018-02-02 11:40:45 UTC

And yes I know fox sucks and has is bias but no where near as bad as the other main stream media outlets

2018-02-02 11:41:09 UTC

Than Alex Jones did the rest

2018-02-15 10:43:44 UTC

Ooga Booga, we wuz britons 'n' shieeeet

2018-02-18 06:57:10 UTC

black panther was hilarious

2018-02-18 06:58:18 UTC

one of the tribes of Wakanda uses gorillas as their motif and they hoot like monkeys in several scenes

2018-02-18 07:06:43 UTC

just like real life!

2018-02-18 07:06:48 UTC

in fact, while watching the movie

2018-02-18 07:08:23 UTC

Boy, do I love stale 3 year old memes like "what are those?" (I wish I was making this up.)

2018-02-20 02:54:51 UTC

2018-02-20 02:55:53 UTC


2018-02-20 02:56:49 UTC

It's almost as if gun control doesn't work or something.

2018-02-20 02:57:28 UTC

it's almost like if people really want to kill someone, life... uh... finds a way

2018-02-20 02:57:50 UTC

What I wonder why is why school shootings are mostly an American thing while it never happens in places like Latin America

2018-02-20 02:58:09 UTC

People steal weapons off military bases all the time in Argentina and Brazil

2018-02-20 02:59:14 UTC

Negligent parenting and wanting fame in the worst way possible are 2 reasons I can think of.

2018-02-20 02:59:40 UTC

weird culture of repression is another

2018-02-20 02:59:50 UTC

of what?

2018-02-20 02:59:54 UTC

Your feelings?

2018-02-20 03:00:08 UTC

more of physical activity.

2018-02-20 03:00:55 UTC

kids don't go out and play as much anymore because it's seen as a liability. there's more stuff like that, but it all compounds to make a society that makes very fragile children

2018-02-20 03:01:23 UTC

That possibly explains why they only occured since 1989

2018-02-20 03:02:56 UTC

kids don't know how to lose anymore

2018-02-20 03:36:30 UTC

they don't know how to fail with grace because we're too scared to let them fail in smaller ways. so much so, that when they get older, and the stakes get bigger, and we can't protect them any longer from the consequences of their failure, it hits them like a freight train.

2018-03-05 14:25:57 UTC

2018-03-06 03:32:49 UTC

2018-03-06 03:33:18 UTC

Holy shit, I haven't seen that other face before. Still just as hideous

2018-03-06 04:24:27 UTC

2018-03-06 07:31:17 UTC

Flagrant Clickbait.

2018-03-07 05:12:37 UTC

2018-03-07 05:13:08 UTC

You've got to be kidding me with this shit. Build the wall yesterday, motherfucker.

2018-03-07 20:45:25 UTC

It was less than half of total offenders though. That means something, if you close your eyes, and feel bad for all the people that came here over a decade ago, and never once tried to apply for citizenship.

2018-03-12 05:50:51 UTC

itโ€™s financially unfair for men to get married, goy

2018-03-12 05:51:39 UTC

think of the cost-benefit analysis of loving someone

2018-03-19 15:54:15 UTC

Teachers too

2018-03-19 21:28:24 UTC

It's because society is geared to teach whites and males they need to be objective about things. While at the same time the deeper into the progressive stack you are the more biased you are allowed to act and that's okay.

2018-03-19 22:12:50 UTC

yeah I watched it and I can see that

2018-03-20 15:57:51 UTC

I mean, he's not a real pope

2018-03-20 15:58:56 UTC

When's poland going to elect an antipope? There's historical precedence for it.

2018-03-20 16:09:47 UTC


2018-03-20 16:09:55 UTC

What on earth is that?

2018-03-20 17:02:10 UTC

The Orthodox Patriarch?

2018-03-20 17:02:45 UTC

There are multiple orthodox patriarchs

2018-03-21 00:44:00 UTC

@ebowden from 1309 to 1376, seven successive popes decided to make their seat at Avignon.

2018-03-21 00:45:30 UTC

In 1376, Gregory IX decided to move back to Rome, but his cardinals disagreed. Which led to the Western Schism under the reign of his successor, Urban VI

2018-03-21 00:47:18 UTC

A second line of Avignon popes reigned, concurrent with those serving in Rome.

2018-03-21 00:49:13 UTC

At one point during the schism, no less than three different men simultaneously led claim to the title of true pope

2018-03-21 00:51:29 UTC

The seat of the pope was not even initially so prominent in christendom. The heir to the throne of St. Peter was but one of five church fathers before the reign of Charlemagne and the crusades.

2018-03-21 00:52:22 UTC

So what you're saying is, there has never been a true pope?

2018-03-21 00:52:43 UTC

we are all the pope

2018-03-21 01:00:39 UTC

There's only been a "true pope" (the word pope itself comes from papa, denoting one of the five church fathers) for as long as the Latin Church was able to establish its will by military force, but the bishop of Rome derives his legitimacy from being the heir of St. Peter

2018-03-21 01:02:01 UTC

Who Jesus declared was the "rock" (Petrus) on which the church would be built.

2018-03-21 01:02:44 UTC

What I'm getting from this was that He was being metaphorical?

2018-03-21 01:03:48 UTC

Somewhat. I doubt he would have wanted a singular office to become so entrenched and corrupt or to hold so much individual power.

2018-03-21 01:04:25 UTC

But he definitely wanted Peter to lead the church after he was gone.

2018-03-21 01:05:42 UTC

And I doubt Peter wanted for the bishopric of Rome to become the way it is.

2018-03-21 01:07:10 UTC

Leave it to us to screw everything up as always

2018-03-21 01:09:24 UTC

I bet this is what led to that baseless Mary worship also. She's important and is to be revered, but she's not part of the trinity.

2018-03-21 01:10:58 UTC

Well, the Latin Church isn't all to blame for that. The Eastern Orthodox Church does it too.

2018-03-21 01:11:25 UTC

Oh bother

2018-03-21 01:11:44 UTC

But they have the weird practice of icons

2018-03-21 01:13:09 UTC

Hell, I'm technically prot, yet I still recognize the saints as they helped to advance the faith. Praying to them however is idolatry imo

@Orwell & Goode
Sorry to bother, but i figured you had a better overview over the news.
Wasn't there an article that detailed google's involvement in the Clinton Campaign?

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