
Discord ID: 392478767274262529

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2018-01-05 16:37:24 UTC

God damn it guys. All of you, Fake News. You're fired.

2018-01-05 16:38:00 UTC


2018-01-05 16:38:16 UTC

@Deleted User who's face is that? 56% face? I don't understand the reference

2018-01-05 16:42:19 UTC

2018-01-05 16:43:00 UTC

2018-01-05 16:43:34 UTC

Oh, mestizos.

2018-01-05 16:43:39 UTC


2018-01-05 16:43:44 UTC

Most Mexicans.

2018-01-05 16:43:47 UTC


2018-01-05 16:43:54 UTC

Nigger, beaner

2018-01-05 16:43:59 UTC

Some white somewhere

2018-01-05 16:44:12 UTC

Basically the lowest tier fellow white

2018-01-05 16:44:32 UTC

Personally I am a not a dropper

2018-01-05 16:45:11 UTC

Practically I am a 10% approximately nonwhite depending on origin when it comes to if you are white

2018-01-05 17:05:18 UTC

I just realized something, the label of fed I had has been dropped. Am I officially cool now?

2018-01-05 17:23:01 UTC

You were always official

2018-01-05 18:19:30 UTC

Wtf? How are things like this happening on gab?

2018-01-05 18:20:38 UTC

Looks legit

2018-01-05 18:26:15 UTC

Right? Who would ever doubt.

2018-01-05 18:30:31 UTC

I am not on gab

2018-01-05 18:30:39 UTC

The whole also Jews thong spooked me away

2018-01-05 18:30:51 UTC

It's hilarious

2018-01-05 18:32:35 UTC

Jews in thongs? Was Laura Loomer behind this?

2018-01-05 18:38:45 UTC

I'm on gab

2018-01-05 18:39:05 UTC

It's pretty fucking funny if you know the right people

2018-01-05 18:39:48 UTC

If you don't like stormers you'll have a hard time tho

2018-01-05 18:41:33 UTC

What's your gab?

2018-01-05 18:43:17 UTC


2018-01-05 22:43:24 UTC

I haven't eaten lunch. I'm cranky as hell. I could gas some people.

2018-01-05 22:44:30 UTC

Gas has a low killing rate. There's much more effective war crimes.

2018-01-05 22:45:12 UTC

I just had some peri peri chicken and chips.

2018-01-05 22:48:47 UTC

zyklon b takes too long

2018-01-05 22:48:58 UTC

IIRC it takes like 10 minutes

2018-01-05 23:03:25 UTC

Maybe I though of gassing because I'm also dreaming about bbq.

2018-01-06 00:05:56 UTC

Hey I'll double your gp

2018-01-06 00:11:18 UTC

I guess that's where all those sites you can buy gp from get their gold

2018-01-06 00:11:29 UTC

It's like 1.13 USD per mill lmfao

2018-01-06 01:08:18 UTC

this server needs some emojis

2018-01-06 01:09:10 UTC

We know

2018-01-06 01:10:18 UTC

Quality content

2018-01-06 01:10:34 UTC

Looks very enriching

2018-01-06 01:10:35 UTC

@Orwell & Goode make me mod ni๐Ÿ…ฑ ๐Ÿ…ฑ a

2018-01-06 01:13:15 UTC
2018-01-06 01:14:27 UTC

lol, why be a woman when you could be a incomplete man? amirite

2018-01-06 01:14:52 UTC

2018-01-06 01:14:57 UTC

So realistic @Whiskey-Vargas

2018-01-06 01:15:54 UTC

tfw when you miss the le 56% discussion.

2018-01-06 01:17:46 UTC

@Constantine I feel a little bad laughing at them, they probably put a lot of work into it.

2018-01-06 01:18:16 UTC

I don't. I did better work in 10th grade videos classm

2018-01-06 01:22:11 UTC

Message for young men going through a hard time. Why aren't there more vids like this in our sphere?

2018-01-06 01:23:10 UTC

@Constantine props for the Nigerian spider man though. Lol

2018-01-06 01:23:48 UTC


2018-01-06 01:32:08 UTC

2018-01-06 01:32:49 UTC

That's actually very realistic Hollywood casting for the Sargon movie.

2018-01-06 01:33:47 UTC

That won't get banned off facebook will it?

2018-01-06 01:33:53 UTC

Just realized the first order aren't Alt Right stand ins. They were supposed to be, they were so badly executed and porrly concieved they are actually a stand in for the hippie movement.

2018-01-06 01:33:57 UTC

I wouldn't think so.

2018-01-06 01:34:16 UTC

If for no other reason than it is very obscure.

2018-01-06 01:59:07 UTC

Spirits above me, give men a sign. Should I read old D&D books? Or should I stream vidya?

2018-01-06 01:59:31 UTC


2018-01-06 01:59:41 UTC

Though Pathfinder is best D&D.

2018-01-06 02:00:22 UTC

That's what I am going to be running the campaign in, but I am scalping 2nd and 3rd ed hard. Even some 1st ed I think.

2018-01-06 02:00:48 UTC

I love unheard stories of the er

2018-01-06 02:00:55 UTC

Fuck me trying to play a first edition wizard.

2018-01-06 02:01:21 UTC

Eventually getting to level 10

2018-01-06 02:01:34 UTC

Fucking rockstar.

2018-01-06 02:01:51 UTC

Linear Fighters, Quadratic wizards

2018-01-06 02:02:24 UTC

Though with Pathfinder, I fell in love with the tactical fighter.

2018-01-06 02:02:44 UTC

This nigga in a boat with a shark tryna eat his peen

2018-01-06 02:02:48 UTC

Fucking halberd weilding asshole that is such a pain in the dick

2018-01-06 03:11:10 UTC

>first order are a stand in for the hippie movement
Please explain.

2018-01-06 03:11:40 UTC


2018-01-06 03:12:23 UTC

So a lot of film critics are beating themselves off to the the idea that the First Order as an alt-right stand in.

2018-01-06 03:12:39 UTC

But here's the thing. They executed it so bad that it actually came out the opposite.

2018-01-06 03:13:54 UTC

The reality is the alt right just want to be left alonr

2018-01-06 03:14:09 UTC

And they wouldn't have put a dindu in the military and given him weapon

2018-01-06 03:14:15 UTC

The First Order isn't a bunch bratty kids cosplaying in their graddads SS uniform. Generationally speaking they're baby boomers.

2018-01-06 03:14:43 UTC

I don't believe that's what the Alt-right is

2018-01-06 03:14:52 UTC

We are not discussing Siege larpers

2018-01-06 03:15:12 UTC

False equivalency, the alt right doesn't have institutional power

2018-01-06 03:15:15 UTC

Neither do I, but that is how the critics and the people that made this movie see it.

2018-01-06 03:15:27 UTC

Fair enough

2018-01-06 03:15:46 UTC

I agree. I am explaining the failburger that is the plot of this thing.

2018-01-06 03:16:31 UTC

Ok. I recognize that they're an idiot's idea of what the alt-right is, but how are they analogous to the hippie movement?

2018-01-06 03:18:03 UTC

Because they're first generation. They're the kids of the people that fought and defeated the Empire. As Personified in Kylo Ren. That makes them baby boomers.

2018-01-06 03:18:36 UTC

Throughout the first movie and much of the second Kylo is conflicted about his identity and who he is. This was an aspect of the hippie movement.

2018-01-06 03:20:01 UTC

Then towards the end of TLJ he overthrows his master (symbloic of leftist conquest of academia, maybe?) and declares that his goal is to destory and unmake everything constructed by his parents. All the old traditions. Manifested in the Jedi Order.

2018-01-06 03:20:48 UTC

Ok. But that's what he turns the first order into. That's not what it was from the outset

2018-01-06 03:21:06 UTC

Rey on the other hand rejects this proposition and declares there is something worth preserving in the old ways and traditions.

2018-01-06 03:21:15 UTC

Random, but is anyone familiar with Cicada 3301?

2018-01-06 03:21:24 UTC


2018-01-06 03:21:25 UTC

Its founder would have been alive during the galactic civil war

2018-01-06 03:21:37 UTC


2018-01-06 03:22:21 UTC

Yeah, I read an article about Cicada 3301. You gotta be a big-brained nibba

2018-01-06 03:22:22 UTC

You got me in a spoopy mood

2018-01-06 03:22:45 UTC

My almonds are too small

2018-01-06 03:23:00 UTC

Bad writing there. Snoke needed some kind of background. One of the worst things to ever happen to SW lore. Just like how you can apparently quit the jedi order with no consequences and run around the galaxy with force powers ala count dooku.

2018-01-06 03:23:58 UTC

But as a result it's easy to project Snoke into being a Frankfurt school professor who is tryiing to use a hippie to increase his own political power.

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