RocketChat ID: tyNZSCAaXaX96ADp4
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Imagine willingly drinking poison
Especially really cheap poison
Just drink water @Clarke WA
It's just natural flavors. I didn't think anything was wrong with it.
It doesn't have any of those artificial sweetners in it
@all who is staying the night for Thanksgiving?
I am
I am.
I will provided there is space. Consider me last in line for crashing there
I am, provided nothing forces me to do otherwise.
I'll be heading home after the festivities
I am not, provided there are suitable roadways upon which to travel home.
White Americans are becoming second class citizens in their own country. Denied medical care for being white. Denied scholarships for being white. Denied government assistance for being white. That’s white privilege. Our hard earned tax dollars go to making a better life for our replacements.
Shove this down the people around you’d throats^ ask them if they’re comfortable with this? Ask them if they want to be a minority in their own country. Ask them if they want their money to go to people who are taught to hate them and their nation. They'll budge. I've gotten all my family and friends to admit they don't want this. Most fundamentally agree with what we stand. They just are afraid of speaking up and being condemned for being racist. Feed on these peoples dissatisfaction, show them the light, and work on getting them to not care if they're called racist. Been having talks with white guys at work and they are ALL sick of the discrimination towards whites. The melting pot is boiling over.
Imagine not doing abs with Jeff everyday. I can’t.
A lot of people will say racist things when they’re comfortable
A lot of people realize the way out of the problem, we just lack one unified voice to rally behind
Or they aren't aware of said voice would be more accurate. Buried in an era of misinformation
@all meeting soon
Ima be 5 mins late.
What’s up @all ?
@Walter ID Meet up next week?
Hardly workin
@Clarke WA let’s try not
Don’t steal politicians signs
We don’t steal anything
Don’t waste the 4x. Get some latex based paint
Whoever gets off work first today go get some^
I’ll probably be getting home at 7pm like usual. Lmfao I need another job.
@all bring cash tomorrow please. We’re gonna throw down on some inventory money to @Ethan WA for supplies.
Just a little bit from everyone goes a long ways.
Got a phone call today asking me for money for supporting the police. I replied and said “I do not support the police they are system pigs policing this technofuturistic shithole into existence. Have a nice day though.”
They have enough cash to buy MRAPs from the DoD.
Also, I just use the normal 1x white cans they work well enough for what I have going on during my solo activism
What time are we meeting up Saturday
@all Saturday is BYOB. Just nobody be exuberantly intoxicated. The rule is don’t ruin it for everyone else. A man who cannot hold his liquor, is a weak man.
Dinner will be in the evening. Roll up whenever you want Saturday
Earlier better if we want to go out during the day.
9:30am meetup
Anyone in centrallia Saturday Sunday?
@Marcus WA come to our dinner
You’re already in the area. If for whatever reason you can’t, @Clarke WA and @Jack WA could probably meet you.
But like I said we are going to be up north all Saturday
I got work Sunday, sorry

Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on all counts boys. What a great start to the weekend


Portland REFUNDS the police: Department gets an extra $5.2M as city faces greatest cop shortage in decades and record number of homicides after slashing $15M from the budget over Defund the Police movement

@all Just rented a spot to park my truck for the weekend for our airport travel. However, my truck only holds me plus 4 others. A total of 11 guys are coming up. We need another method of transportation for everyone.


What a day
I love that
All checked in. Let me know yours guys ETA.
Lots of burgers for dinner
Jack and I should be arriving at about 10 PM
Will you want dinner?
Yeah 😞
We’ll have burgers ready
@all hanging out on mumble


@Walter ID you still coming tonight?
Jack and I are 30 minutes out @Tyler WA @ND - John WA
I'm at home
I'll be there 9:30am tomorrow
Eta 10:50 running super late had to help my dad out with some stuff. Sorry guys.

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