David WA
@PF-329347 RocketChat ID: KQv8jm4N4xZztLjkR
188 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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I am, provided nothing forces me to do otherwise.
Almost none of the stickers I've put up there have even been scratched.
Here's where I got that hoodie in case you were wondering.
Where and when do you want me tomorrow?
What about Friday?
You said on pnw_planning to bring cash tomorrow.
So can I carpool with you from Maple Valley?
When do you want me there?

It was around this time last year that you and @ND - John WA vetted me.
I wanted to ask you, what did you think of me when you first saw me and after you got done with the vetting?
Thank you.
So when should I be in Maple Valley?
Understood, see you then.
This is for tomorrow's action?
I have arrived.
Where are you?
You said to be here at 8:30.
Can somebody message @ND - John WA and tell him to go to the spot where we agreed to meet up.
Yes you should have.
I have arrived home.
So what did you do about the shield team telegram chat?
Has he?
Apparently, yes.
Because I forgot.
I forget about Mumble meetings because I have almost no incentive other than the fact I am obligated to do so.
I check the server every day at least three times, and 90% of the time when I do it’s just guys talking about nothing, so when it’s 7PM I don’t feel like checking Rocket chat to see guys cooming for the 10th time over some random twitter post and happen to be reminded about the mumble meeting tonight.
The last meeting I was at I literally never said a single word, all the other meetings I have been at I contributed nothing. The activism that you plan on Mumble or the server all happens on the West side of Washington, which I have little knowledge of so I can’t give any input or ideas. All I do is show up where you tell me too. I contribute nothing other than my physical presence. The last two actions we did, what did I do other than be there? The only things I say on Rocket Chat are “Where and when do you want me to be this weekend,” and “Understood.”
I have accomplished nothing on my own and I never will. I cannot do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, unless I am told to do so and how to do it
There is no sentence I hate to hear more than “What’s going on David?” Because 1: It means I need to talk, And I HATE talking! I hate it when I talk, I hate it when others talk. And 2: It means I have to talk about my life, which I have nothing to say about because my life is nothing. All I have to talk about is how much I hate life, and I don’t like talking about that because no one understands me
I have accomplished nothing on my own and I never will. I cannot do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, unless I am told to do so and how to do it
You have no idea how much pain I am in right now just because I missed this meeting last night and had to remind myself about how pathetic and incapable I am. And before you ask, NO! All of this is nothing new, I have been feeling this way since the day I was born. The only reason I have been missing Mumble meetings lately is because you stopped posting reminders on the telegram channel where my phone gets notifications.
I forget about Mumble meetings because I hate have almost no incentive other than the fact I am obligated to do so.
I check the server every day at least three times, and 90% of the time when I do it’s just guys talking about nothing, so when it’s 7PM I don’t feel like checking Rocket chat to see guys cooming for the 10th time over some random twitter post and happen to be reminded about the mumble meeting tonight.
And on Mumble, I do nothing but listen to the same thing I read on the server. The last meeting I was at I literally never said a single word. And as for the few times during meetings I do talk, let me tell you there is no sentence I hate to hear more than “What’s going on David?” Because 1: It means I need to talk, And I HATE talking! I hate it when I talk, I hate it when others talk. And 2: It means I have to talk about my life, which I have nothing to say about because my life is nothing. All I have to talk about is how much I hate life. All the other meetings I have been at I contributed nothing. The activism that you plan on Mumble or the server all happens on the West side of Washington, which I have little knowledge of so I can’t give any input or ideas. All I do is show up where you tell me too. I contribute nothing other than my physical presence. The last two actions we did, what did I do other than be there? The only things I say on Rocket Chat are “Where and when do you want me to be this weekend,” and “Understood.”
I have accomplished nothing on my own and I never will. I cannot do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, unless I am told to do so and how to do it
You have no idea how much pain I am in right now just because I missed this meeting last night and had to remind myself about how pathetic and incapable I am. And before you ask, NO! All of this is nothing new, I have been feeling this way since the day I was born. The only reason I have been missing Mumble meetings lately is because you stopped posting reminders on the telegram channel where my phone gets notifications.
I check the server every day at least three times, and 90% of the time when I do it’s just guys talking about nothing, so when it’s 7PM I don’t feel like checking Rocket chat to see guys cooming for the 10th time over some random twitter post and happen to be reminded about the mumble meeting tonight.
And on Mumble, I do nothing but listen to the same thing I read on the server. The last meeting I was at I literally never said a single word. And as for the few times during meetings I do talk, let me tell you there is no sentence I hate to hear more than “What’s going on David?” Because 1: It means I need to talk, And I HATE talking! I hate it when I talk, I hate it when others talk. And 2: It means I have to talk about my life, which I have nothing to say about because my life is nothing. All I have to talk about is how much I hate life. All the other meetings I have been at I contributed nothing. The activism that you plan on Mumble or the server all happens on the West side of Washington, which I have little knowledge of so I can’t give any input or ideas. All I do is show up where you tell me too. I contribute nothing other than my physical presence. The last two actions we did, what did I do other than be there? The only things I say on Rocket Chat are “Where and when do you want me to be this weekend,” and “Understood.”
I have accomplished nothing on my own and I never will. I cannot do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, unless I am told to do so and how to do it
You have no idea how much pain I am in right now just because I missed this meeting last night and had to remind myself about how pathetic and incapable I am. And before you ask, NO! All of this is nothing new, I have been feeling this way since the day I was born. The only reason I have been missing Mumble meetings lately is because you stopped posting reminders on the telegram channel where my phone gets notifications.
That is “What's going on”
I check the server every day at least three times, and 90% of the time when I do it’s just guys talking about nothing, so when it’s 7PM I don’t feel like checking Rocket chat to see guys cooming for the 10th time over some random twitter post and happen to be reminded about the mumble meeting tonight.
And on Mumble, I do nothing but listen to the same thing I read on the server. The last meeting I was at I literally never said a single word. And as for the few times during meetings I do talk, let me tell you there is no sentence I hate to hear more than “What’s going on David?” Because 1: It means I need to talk, And I HATE talking! I hate it when I talk, I hate it when others talk. And 2: It means I have to talk about my life, which I have nothing to say about because my life is nothing. All I have to talk about is how much I hate life. All the other meetings I have been at I contributed nothing. The activism that you plan on Mumble or the server all happens on the West side of Washington, which I have little knowledge of so I can’t give any input or ideas. All I do is show up where you tell me to. I contribute nothing other than my physical presence. The last two actions we did, what did I do other than be there? The only things I say on Rocket Chat are “Where and when do you want me to be this weekend,” and “Understood.”
I have accomplished nothing on my own and I never will. I cannot do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, unless I am told to do so and how to do it
You have no idea how much pain I am in right now just because I missed this meeting last night and had to remind myself about how pathetic and incapable I am. And before you ask, NO! All of this is nothing new, I have been feeling this way since the day I was born. The only reason I have been missing Mumble meetings lately is because you stopped posting reminders on the telegram channel where my phone gets notifications.
That is “What's going on”
I check the server every day at least three times, and 90% of the time when I do it’s just guys talking about nothing, so when it’s 7PM I don’t feel like checking Rocket chat to see guys cooming for the 10th time over some random twitter post and happen to be reminded about the mumble meeting tonight.
And on Mumble, I do nothing but listen to the same thing I read on the server. The last meeting I was at I literally never said a single word. And as for the few times during meetings I do talk, let me tell you there is no sentence I hate to hear more than “What’s going on David?” Because 1: It means I need to talk, And I HATE talking! I hate it when I talk, I hate it when others talk. And 2: It means I have to talk about my life, which I have nothing to say about because my life is nothing. All I have to talk about is how much I hate life. All the other meetings I have been at I contributed nothing. The activism that you plan on Mumble or the server all happens on the West side of Washington, which I have little knowledge of so I can’t give any input or ideas. All I do is show up where you tell me to. I contribute nothing other than my physical presence. The last two actions we did, what did I do other than be there? The only things I say on Rocket Chat are “Where and when do you want me to be this weekend,” and “Understood.”
I have accomplished nothing on my own and I never will. I cannot do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, unless I am told to do so and how to do it
You have no idea how much pain I am in right now just because I missed this meeting last night and had to remind myself about how pathetic and incapable I am. And before you ask, NO! All of this is nothing new, I have been feeling this way since the day I was born. The only reason I have been missing Mumble meetings lately is because you stopped posting reminders on the telegram channel where my phone gets notifications.
That is “What's going on”
I check the server every day at least three times, and 90% of the time when I do it’s just guys talking about nothing, so when it’s 7PM I don’t feel like checking Rocket chat to see guys cooming for the 10th time over some random twitter post and happen to be reminded about the mumble meeting tonight.
And on Mumble, I do nothing but listen to the same thing I read on the server. The last meeting I was at I literally never said a single word. And as for the few times during meetings I do talk, let me tell you there is no sentence I hate to hear more than “What’s going on David?” Because 1: It means I need to talk, And I HATE talking! I hate it when I talk, I hate it when others talk. And 2: It means I have to talk about my life, which I have nothing to say about because my life is nothing. All I have to talk about is how much I hate life. All the other meetings I have been at I contributed nothing. The activism that you plan on Mumble or the server all happens on the West side of Washington, which I have little knowledge of so I can’t give any input or ideas. All I do is show up where you tell me to. I contribute nothing other than my physical presence. The last two actions we did, what did I contribute other than be there? The only things I say on Rocket Chat are “Where and when do you want me to be this weekend,” and “Understood.”
I have accomplished nothing on my own and I never will. I cannot do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, unless I am told to do so and how to do it.
You have no idea how much pain I am in right now just because I missed this meeting last night and had to remind myself about how pathetic and incapable I am. And before you ask, NO! All of this is nothing new, I have been feeling this way since the day I was born. The only reason I have been missing Mumble meetings lately is because you stopped posting reminders on the telegram channel where my phone gets notifications.
That is “What's going on.”
I check the server every day at least three times, and 90% of the time when I do it’s just guys talking about nothing, so when it’s 7PM I don’t feel like checking Rocket chat to see guys cooming for the 10th time over some random twitter post and happen to be reminded about the mumble meeting tonight.
And on Mumble, I do nothing but listen to the same thing I read on the server. The last meeting I was at I literally never said a single word. And as for the few times during meetings I do talk, let me tell you there is no sentence I hate to hear more than “What’s going on David?” Because 1: It means I need to talk, And I HATE talking! I hate it when I talk, I hate it when others talk. And 2: It means I have to talk about my life, which I have nothing to say about because my life is nothing. All I have to talk about is how much I hate life. All the other meetings I have been at I contributed nothing. The activism that you plan on Mumble or the server all happens on the West side of Washington, which I have little knowledge of so I can’t give any input or ideas. All I do is show up where you tell me to. I contribute nothing other than my physical presence. The last two actions we did, what did I contribute other than be there? The only things I say on Rocket Chat are “Where and when do you want me to be this weekend,” and “Understood.”
I have accomplished nothing on my own and I never will. I cannot do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, unless I am told to do so and how to do it.
You have no idea how much pain I am in right now just because I missed this meeting last night and had to remind myself about how pathetic and incapable I am. And before you ask, NO! All of this is nothing new, I have been feeling this way since the day I was born. The only reason I have been missing Mumble meetings lately is because you stopped posting reminders on the telegram channel where my phone gets notifications.
That is “What's going on.”
That's what I deserve.
Does that answer your question?

I am never getting in a van, bus or any large vehicle with this network.
Not after Salt Lake city.
You took our phones for the trip there.
I have everything except the bump cap insert which won't arrive until the day of the action.
Might be a little late to the meeting tonight.
No, I will just meet you at the Safeway fuel station.
Fine, why? What have you heard?
I was joking.
I am currently watching the greatest rematch in anime history.
He's not, he has a whole part of Siege where he talks about how to do activism right.
He's mostly against it because of how he's lived and seen so many orgs fail.
I just logged in and am working on messaging you and others.
I deleted my emergency contact info.
Did you need that info?
What do you mean by maybe?
So is that a yes?
Bruce Simpson (509-609-1414)
I just wanted to say thank you for how well you handled the vehicle situation last night.
You took control of the situation better then most and helped ensure that I and the rest of my network were able to get out and get home safely, and for that you deserve an endless praise.
I hope that one day I can be as good a leader as you.
How's @Tyler WA situation?
I understand you may have already heard this, but @ND - John WA has and SD card from Vincent WA 's camera in his tent at the campsite if you think that could be useful in identifying this anti-nationalist.
Also is my tent in your possession?
And his Girlfriend?
You can hold onto it until the next action I attend or mail it back to me.
Which ever is more convenient for you.
My face does NOT look like that.
I heard about what happened. I am deeply sorry you have had to go through this. If you need anything, and I mean ANYTHING, just ask.
your one of the best activists in this organization I have had the pleasure of meeting, and I'd hate to see you suffer.
Glad to hear it.
How come Vincent hasn't bee removed yet?
Glad to hear it.
I am so far.
How am I fine?
When I first met him we hung around my truck.
When would I be able too do that?
Okay, will do.
Also is there no Mumble meeting tonight?
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