(DM) Eric MI & Benjamin MI & Alan MI

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Benjamin MI @PF-765244

I am confident he will be, and will also grow to be less spergy as time goes on

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

He is eager to do stuff, but also learn more of the political aspect as well. @Alan MI You can talk religion with him

Alan MI @PF-626733

If someone like @Michael MI was 18 I'd have a lot more slack for him for those exact reasons. 18 years old means they can be pretty retarded and its fine. Since he did ROTC I'm sure he has the ability to shut up and get in line.

I'm going to avoid discussing religion, especially with new guys, as much as I have in the past. I think its a mistake for me to be as open about it as I am. I think it makes me come off as dogmatic but also too intellectual to be a good leader. Something multiple people have told me is that I need to be better about speaking less but having the things I say be more important. I'm definitely still gonna be talkative lol, but I'm gonna try to be a little more ground or simple in how I talk.

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

From what he told me about ROTC, a lot of kids dropped out. So I am sure he is totally fine with shutting up and listening lol. Also I was just saying that he could also bring it up as well. Or if he comes to a hike, I believe he will be very open and interesting in talking religion, when compared to the rest of the cluster lol

Alan MI @PF-626733

Thats good, if hes based and catholic then he'll likely become orthodox or not christian at all if hes influenced by me lol.

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Possibly lol

Alan MI @PF-626733

now we just need to convince ol @Eric MI into begoming bagan, so we can be the afa trifecta

Alan MI @PF-626733

PF chads literally warrior aristocracy of the afa

Benjamin MI @PF-765244


Alan MI @PF-626733

"so what do you do for paganism and the white race?
"Oh, march through DC surrounded by cops and antifa. March through Philly attacked by antifa and detained by police. Deface public property with stickers weekly. Cover up blm murals and drop banners. You know, normal stuff."
instantly acquires 18 year old bagan waifu

Alan MI @PF-626733

also yes i'm aware i'm larping rn

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Shit it's that easy?

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Alright gonna join AFA this weekend

Alan MI @PF-626733

I mean, I hope so

Alan MI @PF-626733

probably not tho lol

Alan MI @PF-626733

There is a bigass afa event in the spring down in north carolina or virginia I think at one of their big privately owned temples. Those usually have lots of people, especially families :eyes:
Vernon doesn't wanna go because its too far (understandable) but perhaps we could go as a squad.

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

I'm always down

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Just need the 3rd @Eric MI

Alan MI @PF-626733

das rite

Alan MI @PF-626733

michiniggers rolling up to afa events spreading wignasty activism pill

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

PF sees a big influence of pagans lol

Alan MI @PF-626733


Eric MI @PF-2394

I only worship my skin

Eric MI @PF-2394

But yeah I'll try and see if he can meetup sunday

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Nathan will be working at 4pm on Saturday, not sure what time you wanted to vet the guy but if you want Nathan involved with hanging out it should be in the morning

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Also I figured maybe after the vetting we all grab lunch and after still go to my place?

Eric MI @PF-2394

It will be at 2:00 pm

Alan MI @PF-626733

Sucks that nathan cant really be there but is what it is

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Alright. Well I still say we get lunch either before or after

Alan MI @PF-626733

Thatd be fun

Eric MI @PF-2394

Do you want me to make it earlier so Nathan can attend?

Alan MI @PF-626733

If its just as easy then sure, but if it causes uneeded confusion for the applicant then its no biggie

Eric MI @PF-2394

Haven't told him a time yet so it shouldn't

Alan MI @PF-626733

Alright then yes

Alan MI @PF-626733

5am vetting in a truck stop bathroom

Eric MI @PF-2394

*all 4 of us crammed into one stall

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

drops phone in toilet

Alan MI @PF-626733

dude that shit made me laugh so hard

Alan MI @PF-626733
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Alan MI @PF-626733
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 10, 2021 4:17 PM
Alan MI @PF-626733

dude @Ulysses MI is the eternal lurker

Alan MI @PF-626733
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Alan MI @PF-626733

how is he always looking towards the camera :rofl:

Alan MI @PF-626733
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Alan MI @PF-626733

is that him again?

Alan MI @PF-626733


Eric MI @PF-2394

I think that's another guy. Hes wearing a balaclava

Alan MI @PF-626733

yes I think you're right

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Lmao you found his new pfp

Eric MI @PF-2394

Interviewee-899151 said something came up and he has to halt his admission process for the org 😒

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Is this the one for tomorrow or the guy I know?

Alan MI @PF-626733

halt as in not join or just like postpone the vetting?

Eric MI @PF-2394

He said he will join again in the future when things are more convenient

Eric MI @PF-2394

The guy for tomorrow

Eric MI @PF-2394

Warren guy answered and he's up for the meetup sunday

Alan MI @PF-626733

maybe we can all just hangout sunday instead then because i'm guessing nathan will be free then

Eric MI @PF-2394

Ok, I'm still bringing sam cause he has some of your guy's stuff

Alan MI @PF-626733

yeah i left my whole bag in his car lol

Eric MI @PF-2394

*leaves whole entire wallet and ID in car

Alan MI @PF-626733

yeah you did that like a couple months into knowing me lol

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Nathan works at 5pm on Sunday

Eric MI @PF-2394

Im a retard, i just realized its interviewee-238337 that is the one who said he is canceling his vetting, not the other one

Eric MI @PF-2394

interviewee-899151 is the one im meeting sunday

Alan MI @PF-626733


Alan MI @PF-626733
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Eric MI @PF-2394

Based he's up for it

Alan MI @PF-626733

yeah he wants to do it

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

What is this for?

Alan MI @PF-626733

the toledo war memorial

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

Oh based

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

As far as the flags, Thomas said to attend the next event and take it back home

Alan MI @PF-626733

Lol, thats kind of what I expected tbh

Eric MI @PF-2394

Interview with the warren guy is a go for tomorrow at noon.

Benjamin MI @PF-765244


Eric MI @PF-2394

Question is...

Eric MI @PF-2394

What are we getting to eat tomorrow after? 🤔

Alan MI @PF-626733

Baste, and idk probably dennys or something

Eric MI @PF-2394

Alright, I'll message you guys after we're done

Alan MI @PF-626733

one of you send me the url for the shop/guides server again

Alan MI @PF-626733
Eric MI @PF-2394


Benjamin MI @PF-765244


Alan MI @PF-626733

its not working for me lol

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

I can login

Alan MI @PF-626733

i messaged @Jason NY to see if he could help

Alan MI @PF-626733

@Eric MI remember to take the interviewees phone during the vetting btw. I'll plan to get down there at 1 because I don't really think you need me when you have @Sam MI and its a guy @Steven OH and @Benjamin MI know

Eric MI @PF-2394

Ok, and yeah I assumed it was just going to be me and Sam anyway

Alan MI @PF-626733


Benjamin MI @PF-765244


Eric MI @PF-2394

Vetted the guy, where are we meeting up

Alan MI @PF-626733
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 13, 2021 6:29 PM
Benjamin MI @PF-765244

He really doesn't have an excuse now

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

I think us picking up all that we did from the storm was a bit too much for Matt since it was his first time. He did fine, but I think it was way to much of that type of exposure for the first thing we do with him

Benjamin MI @PF-765244

I think us getting the flags from the storm was fine enough, Nathan wanting to go extra on the signs was too much. Or vise versa

Alan MI @PF-626733

coded language aside, how many flags did you guys steal? You guys took signs?

Eric MI @PF-2394

3 flags and at least 6 signs

Alan MI @PF-626733

like yard signs?

Eric MI @PF-2394


Benjamin MI @PF-765244

3 flags, not sure on signs but it was a lot. Ya, says BLM on it and that stuff

Alan MI @PF-626733

okay, yeah I think @Benjamin MI is right. Be careful being that wignasty with a new guy. If they're reacting to it perfectly fine thats one thing, but we don't wanna spook them, and we also don't wanna give them too much of a "hooligan" impression.

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