Message from @AncienMedecin
Discord ID: 689279475090849862
I see God in everything, of course it did
@Ater Votum
You can symbolically rest on Sunday night as the new days starts.
You're going to hallucinate
@ComradeChaos ok a different one, cheers for the info
You might find this interesting too @Kaiser
*Would Rome have lasted longer with or without the religious reforms of Constantine and his successors?*
Rome was full of homosexuals good thing it fell
Constantine was trying to unify Christianity as it was growing
If his reforms didn't happen then there would be massive unrest within the empire between the different sects of Christianity, and I'm not necessarily saying that there wasn't already, but it was important
^correct opinion
^correct opinion
The Holy Roman empire wasn't Rome.
What does that have to do with what
It was a response to @OrthoGoat though I suppose the holy Roman empire may have also had issues with homosexuals
But wouldn't christian Rome not have homosexuals anymore?
Which is why I said, "The Holy Roman empire is not truly Rome"
Or this question?
I see his reformation as the death of Rome and the start of something completely made inaccessible to European and Mediterranean identity. This marriage of Christian beliefs and government into a "Christian Rome" controlled people with exoteric Platonic forms as opposed to teaching them the underlying framework Christianity was based on and has only served to leave us with a vestigial remnant of a dead era
The more you employ social restriction as an external force on your population, the more feminine they become. They are being made formless to occupy an ideal stated by the controlling powers.
Rome fell as a result of overexertion and monotheism
But still, Christian Rome =/= HRE
I think lead poisoning also helped with the collapse.
point is religion didn't really impact it.
The Romans were one of the first people that had plumbing.
problem is that all their pipes were made out of lead.
There is a reason we don't use lead pipes and weld cans closed with lead anymore.
In fact the word "plumber" was derived from the Latin word for lead.
But then why did lead poisoning contribute to the fall of the empire since the lead pipes had always existed?
I think it took a while to pile up.
I'm not an expert on Rome but I don't think mass lead poisoning helped things.
I mean having this stuff on a really big scale doesn't really help with the stability of a nation.
I still don't understand why all the denominations are at each other's throats
if you are all Christians Why can't you get along and civilly discuss doctrinal differences
I think it is weird that despite being the same base religion, you all hate each other
isn't that heretical?
ig the thing I disagree with most is the church being involved in the government
not only are you forcing everyone to adopt the same mindset, the church can easily become corrupted with that much power