Discord ID: 687148225886814256
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joos r gay?
War is necessary because men are restless.
Just ride the tiger bruh
What are Evola's views on marriage?
top minds have spoken
@OrthoGoat But that's wrong
Testosterone has been directly linked to sex and masturbation frequency
Testosterone peaks during sex or masturbation and goes down a little bit right after before returning to normal levels
Higher levels of testosterone in women have also been linked to promiscuity, and high sex drive
Men have 15x testosterone than women, and it's the primary sexual hormone in men. Men have higher sex drive than women... coinkidens libruls?
How does that sequitur
This natsyn copy pastes this stuff
Why is satanism bannable?
@ComradeChaos Why is a spiritual framework needed for self actualization?
Maybe you'd want to ping me in <#587028275918929925>
Trudeau is an STD fetishist? ๐ค๐ค๐ค
It's Ok, cucky Trudeau isn't allowed to touch his wife unless it's Christmas or his birthday
Trudeau has a soyface, means he's got a big dong
^ big brain
How in the hell is natural law luciferian?
Hi chuck
Area of the boot or an area in the world?
Coronavirus is an example of how we need optional government
I am a coronaboo, AMA
I already hate this meme
Did someone say aristocracy?
Why not just expand the definition of "jew" to just include everybody? Then arabs are jews too and there's no reason to fight
Serves him right.
@ComradeChaos What's your opinion on astrology (esoteric and horoscope bullshit) fam
Oh no, pseudoscience
Next thing I know, I'm really a taurus
Yeah, like the jewish nazis please ignore me
lmao jewish ubermensch
No, unless you have the type of cereal that gets all goopy and bleeds into the milk like cocoa puffs or something. If the milk becomes chocolatey then it's a soup. That's because a soup has a liquid part and a solid part, and the liquid part is infused with *flavor* from the solid part. That's usually done with boiling
One cannot be both a cuckold and an incel because cucks can astral project into the bull's body, thereby having seks
I played the doom 2 columbine mod the other day
It sucked it's boring
This is peak rhetoric
^correct opinion
What does that have to do with what
But wouldn't christian Rome not have homosexuals anymore?
But what does the HRE have to do with Rome?
Or this question?
But still, Christian Rome =/= HRE
But then why did lead poisoning contribute to the fall of the empire since the lead pipes had always existed?
@Ater Votum your horse is not cool
your horse is HOT
pulled a fast one on ya
Talking about Jews in a right wing server? This could turn out bad
That's a weird question because there was no reason for Rome to use labor-saving devices like the steam engine, because they could just have tons of slaves. And it's not because of the institution of slavery that the steam engine could not be implemented; rather the institution of slavery existed because the technologies needed to use these devices in a productive manner did not exist. The steam engine was reinvented in 1700 AD, but it was not put into use until 100 or 150 or so years after that, at which point technology had advanced sufficiently.
oh so that's what their noses are for
I normally dislike Catholics but I'll make an exception because this one is very polite
I have 5 questions for Eoppa
Question 1. Christ stated that the church cannot fail, and that the church is that body which is comprised by the offices passed down by the apostles. But it is also true that the church is that body which possesses the true interpretation of scripture. According to Catholic doctrine, is it a) impossible for the current church to misinterpret scripture or b) possible for the church to misinterpret scripture upon which point the offices will be taken up by people who have not been anointed by a predecessor but possess the true interpretation?
Question 2. It is Catholic doctrine that a person possessing an office of the church cannot spread false doctrine while acting in his office. When do we know whether or not he is acting in his office? Is it when he is influenced by God? How do we know when that is? Is it just when he is speaking the truth? How do we know what the truth is if not verified by the grace of his office?
Question 3. Are you aware of any historical claims made by the Eastern Orthodox Church to apostolic legitimacy? Are they false or unfalsifiable? Or does that church claim to be the true church simply by the truth of its doctrine?
Question 4. Suppose a place where the true church has not ever visited. Suppose also a genuine bible makes its way into that place. Suppose lastly that a person reads the bible and comes to the same interpretation of the scripture disseminated by the true church. This person does not have church authority, but if they acted according to the accidentally (or perhaps divinely) inspired true interpretation of the scripture, would they then be acting with church authority?
Question 4.5: Do you agree with Vatican II?
Question 5. The officials of the church in the medieval ages were meant to disseminate the truth of the scripture to the people who could not read the bible. But the masses were held in Latin. Is this a contradiction or were the priests also supposed to teach the scripture in vernacular alongside the mass? Bonus: If the conduction of the mass in Latin did not have to do with teaching the scripture to the masses, why, then did Vatican II demand that the mass be conducted in vernacular?
Bonus question: Orthodox architecture is superior to Catholic architecture. Sorry, this is not a question, this is a fact.
@Eoppa done
Who the hell takes a 1 hour walk
Oh here he is
Hello God man
What is the universal magisterium?
Can the language which is used to signify such statements be abused, as in be used to disseminate false doctrine under church authority? Does its use automatically invoke some sort of divine power?
What provision is there in death for those humans who did not come into contact with the true church in their lifetime?
What is the ordinary magisterium? Fallible teachings?
Logically a Pope or such would prepare his statements ahead of time. Does that mean that there is divine influence over him before his statement?
But is there official church doctrine regarding these people?
Extra: Does Dante's Divine Comedy have a theological basis? I am ignorant.
m8 these are interesting questions
Ordinary magisterium is fallible, that means that there are some offices within the church that do not have divine influence?
Or is ordinary magisterium related to something else?
@Eoppa Last question bruh
@Eoppa He ditched me
Wait, I think I see a contradiction. You said that if a church official acts on the office, somebody like the Pope, then they are infallible. But fallible magisterium you say here can be exercised even by somebody acting in the office? @Eoppa
Well whaddaya know Catholicism might actually be consistent
@Avgvstvs was it ofvo
He does that
I am dumb
I am referring to the daddy comment I made that got removed twice
Oh hey did you know there's a way of thought that makes free will and determinism non-contradictory?
Oh yeah it's actually a very interesting argument
On a practical level we could say that the universe is ultimately deterministic, because everything has to have a cause, and for every cause there is always another cause until the first cause
But, when making decisions as humans, we do not feel those constraints; we are unable to. Every decision we make is influenced by our environment, our genetics, etc. But we are not the subject upon which all those factors are acting, we are the sum total of those influences, and we are in turn taking our actions as free beings.
Therefore this argument states that a man is not independent of the factors that influence him, he is in fact the sum total of those factors, and that is why he is free.
I do not understand what you said
@Eoppa Do you reject determinism?
Wait a minute this isn't /pol/
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