Message from @Hammond_of_Texas
Discord ID: 530039903606669343
I need verification of that
Ask dear Eclipse who went head to head with Ruger and won his Soy
The worst that can happen is you remain a whitey. Although now that I say it, that's pretty bad.
But yeah
I got a code for L.A for any fucker who shows a good match against Ruger
Modicum is a funny word, too.
damn, that's 4am where I am
I already have L.A. Noire but it would be fun anyway
You'd get Soy
kinda want to gain it the normal way, not that i'd refuse
it's a bit game-like that way
You can always lose it again.
Depends on how much of your shit the mods are willing to put up with
I know the mods have a high tolerance of BS
I'm still here
so much for the intolerant right
All the time
Like its sorta in your foreskin
That's why I trim.
always trim your pubes you animals
real men wax em
Thanks my dude
I just throw septic at them now
gives them enough time to learn to read
Nah, I just end up getting more Dm's lol
moaning or flaming/insulting me
harvest the salt
can you screenshot sometimes and make collages of salt 😂
Book recommendations please lads and ladettes
@BradPlace Go check NSFW you spaz