Message from @zalfir
Discord ID: 530036616216182821
Alright fuckos!
5pm UK Time is Trivia night!
Current trivia King is our very own @Ruger
If you beat him you become the King.
However! If you manage to go head t head with him and show a good match you will win a copy of L.A Noire Complete Edition and if you're a whitey you win Soy Boi.
I'll try to remember.
L.A. Noir ??? 😄
Free rank?
I need verification of that
Ask dear Eclipse who went head to head with Ruger and won his Soy
The worst that can happen is you remain a whitey. Although now that I say it, that's pretty bad.
But yeah
I got a code for L.A for any fucker who shows a good match against Ruger
Modicum is a funny word, too.
damn, that's 4am where I am
I already have L.A. Noire but it would be fun anyway
You'd get Soy
kinda want to gain it the normal way, not that i'd refuse
You can always lose it again.
Depends on how much of your shit the mods are willing to put up with
I know the mods have a high tolerance of BS
I'm still here
so much for the intolerant right
Ya ever wake up and your penis is tangled in your pubes
All the time
Like its sorta in your foreskin
That's why I trim.
always trim your pubes you animals
real men wax em
Thanks my dude
I just throw septic at them now