Discord ID: 463486781275242496
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Prequels > all other films
@Dino your a mean faggot
Triple fag; aka "the big gay"
@Kek๓ ช ๓ ช๓ ช ๓ ช๓ ช ๓ ช๓ ช what's wrong you don't like balls
@Kek๓ ช ๓ ช๓ ช ๓ ช๓ ช ๓ ช๓ ช so you don't consent? Hmmmmm.
I don't shave.
Other bits huh
That's what we're are calling that then
I don't shave.
@Snky no wtf
Shaving and trimming are two things. @Snky
Leg press is overrated
Squat is where the power is proven
Ok whoever is doing the meme thing, I respect
@RatKing excuse me
Gary more like
Worth it
Well so far these guys are shit at bullying
Yes my mom is nice.
Trying hard to insult in here is like watching YouTuber comments on a Logan Paul video. Pure cringe. Y'all whities suck.
I mean I was hoping for one good burn and a new soy, guess not
Ratking doesn't count he's been a soy already.
@soup dad takes one to know one, gayboi
@๓ ๓ AK rip
@Octavia what's up
I wonder if there's anywhere in in the states where I can get that stuff
I want to try it
@<null> ? Its a discord server for a Scottish YouTuber? What do you mean "natural habitat"
Y'all ever just do some felony speeding so you don't piss yourself?
@Octavia I was going like 90 down 501 so I didn't piss my pants just now lol.
Y'all ain't ever seen a buick go that fast since the grand national.
Officer I would explain but I gotta pee
Oh it would be bad haha. But i had a good chance of not getting caught once I got the back roads
@choppy the butcher you don't. Your just looser now.
I disagree
There is a distinct lack of any sort of American in my name.
We have too many of those
@Mandy you've got not much room to talk there
Reading that in his voice makes it more satisfying
Well, time to start a new thing
Never Not Nut November.
Lucky Ford
Ok but what's up with her nip.
@Deleted User stop. I can't only get so hard.
@coattailsandbowties no u
It doesn't work like that.
Sorry but no
See that worked
But I can't no u that no u cos I'd be agreeing with you.
Her name is a lie
And my name isn't American
They don't fit
It should be like "I literally can't eat" or something
Well piss
That's good though
Sloppy indeed
Like Riley Rieds blowjobs.
Be a shame of someone had to look that up in no nut November
I want a Duramax
Cheap ones are 20k USD
And also 10+ years old
That's the least appealing invite to VC I've ever seen gotta be real
Didn't work well did it?
See now I don't like you cos your a bitch @Metal
@Crawfoot gay
@Crawfoot literal homosexual
Remember kids, if your a sexually active female don't make it your personality.
What a link
Pickle juice
Jesus you are an Oklahoman.
@sweatercowsandsass welcome for what?
I have made fire
The pine needles will burn this day
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