Message from @Malcolm the Seceder
Discord ID: 473458167284629534
Well the way you tell them apart is easy.. There are those who DO good, and those who INTEND to do good. Let me provide an example; Willem does what is good, and then Renaldo, he obviously means well. π
@Sheamus π
So I have been toying with some Biblical concepts in my head....The Mark of the Beast, what is it? In the end, it was so simple. It is right there in the name. Firstly, let us define "The Beast". A beast is an animal right? So in my view, the usage of the word refers to all earthly animals - all the beasts of the earth. So now let us get to the mark itself. What is it exactly that makes a beast a beast? What "mark" does it have that makes it different from a human being? What separates humans from beasts? We are all made of flesh and blood, we all are born, we live and we die. But the one thing that us humans have that beasts do not, is a mind that is capable of critical thinking, reason and above all, Logic. Animals have (for the most part) a fight or flight response / mental capacity. Of course, some are a little more capable that others. In conclusion, a human being that has been "marked" does not have the ability to comprehend logic - which puts them on the same level as a beast. Flat Earth anyone? ~Namaste. π
Jordan Peterson
@Deejay from Earth What separates humans from animals is that humans have souls and animals do not.
True that, no reason, no humanity, no soul... Just biological chemicals dictating behaviour and impulses to sin. That's how i see it.
As of late I'm not sure what a "soul" is I have to say. I'm not so sure any more - could we be mistaking our personality or Ego for our soul?
Well, sounds like a controversial opportunity to explore the definition, see what we all understand and maybe can agree on?
Soul is always linked to the afterlife from what I can tell.
But what is it within you, right now in this life?
The soul is the part of the person made in the image of God. The rational, moral, thinking part of the person. It is the immortal part that will live forever. It is given to the human being upon conception.
I think it is what we would say gives a human being his personhood.
My thoughts too, but where i am a little lost still is it individual to the person like we have individual souls, or us it individual as in we are receivers that tune into it, like radio tunes into a frequency... Im still trying to figure that one out, both have compelling arguments for and against. What's your take on it @Malcolm the Seceder
Each person has his own individual soul. So Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 32.1: "The bodies of men after death return to dust, and see corruption(a); but their souls, (which neither die nor sleep,) having an immortal subsistence, immediately return to God who gave them(b)." The souls of the regenerate go to Heaven and the souls of the unregenerate go straight to Hell. On the last day the bodies of all persons will be raised and reunited with their souls and will either then spend eternity in Heaven or Hell.
(a) Genesis 3:19
(b) Luke 23:43
I follow you there, and here is another perspective of why i might be confused about it.
Genesis 2:7 - And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Ecclesiastes 12:7 - Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
Deuteronomy 6:5 - And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
Ezekiel 18:4 - Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
The soul is breathed into man, each soul a breath, a fragment perhaps? One God, one Truth, one Reason, which is all the same. So perhaps a hybrid of the two. I'm still working my way through understanding it all, but i do enjoy others perspectives and their convictions. Thanks for your input @Malcolm the Seceder
And maybe also to clarify, by individual, it was meant as seperate from the creator. Uniquely seperate. There is the father and then there is the soul, uniquely seperate. Something other than.
@Sheamus When we are told that God breathed into the nostrils of Adam and he became a living soul we're not meant to take that as God imparting a part of a whole to Adam. It's a symbolic statement. Each soul, as you say later, is a unique, separate entity.
Thank you bud, appreciate your input and trust your words, it's always my intention to understand it for myself whole heartedly without any doubt.
@Malcolm the Seceder I thank you for your input too. That's what I think separates us from religions like Hinduism and Buddhism, where they believe in Atman. Some sort of all encompassing soul that inhabits our bodies but is not individual.
@buzzlightyear Those "religions" are just darkness. There is power behind them to be sure, but it is a dark power. We gotta stay away from it. Have nothing to do with those things, right down to stuff like yoga: it's all poison.
So guys, another topicn I have been pondering lately: With all your knowledge and experiences, what do you think is the Bible's take on the subject of race and organisation of society (not salvation)?
@Malcolm the Seceder Yeah, I can sense the void that ultimately inhabits them.
Genesis 9:25-27?
That's the old view anywayππ»
Oh I heard of assigning the races to these biblical expressions. Which race is which again?
As for race, I graduated in Chemistry and the more I learned, the more I came to regard it as scientific fact, albeit controversial. It used to be regarded as such until it was discardes by the end of WW2 with no scientific explanations given.
Lol race is a topic divided among the materialists and the spiritualists lol
@Sheamus that might be true. Personally, I perceive quantum mechanics as something that unifies these two.
As the experiments are of material nature but their behavior depends very much on an observer which can not be rationally explained. It is just assumed as something that is
@buzzlightyear Shem would be the Jews, Japheth would be the Gentiles and Ham would be the blacks
There are some variations depending on the Christian tradition. Though Ham always remains the blacks π
Ok thanks.Yeah, anyway.. seeing how these "multicultural" and "multiracial" societies devolve into cesspits of degeneracy and crime, I do not think God would want us to go that way. @Malcolm the Seceder
Multiculturalism doesn't work and there's certainly no Biblical mandate that we should be mixing cultures in any significant fashion
The Gospel is universal and that is why whites took the Gospel to the benighted parts of the world. But that doesn't mean they should then come over here and live amongst us.
@Malcolm the Seceder absolutely, that's how I understood it too.
Thanks @Daniel van Straaten this warms my heart