Message from @Daniel van Straaten

Discord ID: 473529054776262686

2018-07-30 11:53:43 UTC  

@Sheamus When we are told that God breathed into the nostrils of Adam and he became a living soul we're not meant to take that as God imparting a part of a whole to Adam. It's a symbolic statement. Each soul, as you say later, is a unique, separate entity.

2018-07-30 12:10:21 UTC  

Thank you bud, appreciate your input and trust your words, it's always my intention to understand it for myself whole heartedly without any doubt.

2018-07-30 13:11:01 UTC  

@Malcolm the Seceder I thank you for your input too. That's what I think separates us from religions like Hinduism and Buddhism, where they believe in Atman. Some sort of all encompassing soul that inhabits our bodies but is not individual.

2018-07-30 13:13:43 UTC  

@buzzlightyear Those "religions" are just darkness. There is power behind them to be sure, but it is a dark power. We gotta stay away from it. Have nothing to do with those things, right down to stuff like yoga: it's all poison.

2018-07-30 13:14:00 UTC  

So guys, another topicn I have been pondering lately: With all your knowledge and experiences, what do you think is the Bible's take on the subject of race and organisation of society (not salvation)?

2018-07-30 13:14:39 UTC  

@Malcolm the Seceder Yeah, I can sense the void that ultimately inhabits them.

2018-07-30 13:16:28 UTC  

Genesis 9:25-27?

2018-07-30 13:16:53 UTC  

That's the old view anywayπŸ‘ŒπŸ»

2018-07-30 13:20:47 UTC  

Oh I heard of assigning the races to these biblical expressions. Which race is which again?

2018-07-30 13:20:52 UTC  

As for race, I graduated in Chemistry and the more I learned, the more I came to regard it as scientific fact, albeit controversial. It used to be regarded as such until it was discardes by the end of WW2 with no scientific explanations given.

2018-07-30 13:27:15 UTC  

Lol race is a topic divided among the materialists and the spiritualists lol

2018-07-30 13:32:02 UTC  

@Sheamus that might be true. Personally, I perceive quantum mechanics as something that unifies these two.
As the experiments are of material nature but their behavior depends very much on an observer which can not be rationally explained. It is just assumed as something that is

2018-07-30 13:44:58 UTC  

@buzzlightyear Shem would be the Jews, Japheth would be the Gentiles and Ham would be the blacks

2018-07-30 13:45:32 UTC  

There are some variations depending on the Christian tradition. Though Ham always remains the blacks πŸ˜‚

2018-07-30 13:47:52 UTC  

Ok thanks.Yeah, anyway.. seeing how these "multicultural" and "multiracial" societies devolve into cesspits of degeneracy and crime, I do not think God would want us to go that way. @Malcolm the Seceder

2018-07-30 13:48:43 UTC  

Multiculturalism doesn't work and there's certainly no Biblical mandate that we should be mixing cultures in any significant fashion

2018-07-30 13:49:21 UTC  

The Gospel is universal and that is why whites took the Gospel to the benighted parts of the world. But that doesn't mean they should then come over here and live amongst us.

2018-07-30 13:49:48 UTC  

@Malcolm the Seceder absolutely, that's how I understood it too.

2018-07-30 14:21:56 UTC  

From More Than Conquerers - Hendriksen

2018-07-30 14:24:09 UTC  

Thanks @Daniel van Straaten this warms my heart

2018-07-30 17:39:05 UTC  

Thanks @Daniel van Straaten , will give it a watch πŸ˜ƒ

2018-07-30 17:43:51 UTC  

Here is the outline if you don't have time.

2018-07-31 10:04:03 UTC  

@Deejay from Earth Can we keep the flat earth chat to the info-wars channel please? [Apologies I edited this post to something different when I meant to post a new post so I have put it back to what it was.]

2018-07-31 11:24:23 UTC  

1 Chronicles 16:30 β–Ί
Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.

2018-07-31 11:25:05 UTC  

Flat Earth IS a Theological issue Sir.

2018-07-31 11:34:02 UTC  

I'll agree, if it pertains to the literature let it be, but the usual flat earth discussion focused on flat earth in general not referencing the literature should stay in info wars.

2018-07-31 11:35:28 UTC  

Did I post any flat earth proofs here?

2018-07-31 11:36:33 UTC  

Lol i didn't @ you, just joining in on the conversation in general, so speaking to all lol

2018-07-31 11:36:55 UTC  

Cool no worries.

2018-07-31 11:48:48 UTC  

@Sheamus I'm just trying to figure out the psychology here. I don't mind at all if people don't agree with Gods Flat Earth, or if they believe they live on a spinning ball or whatever. Really I don't. What gets me is the outright hypocrisy of calling oneself a Christian and then "believing" (as opposed to proving) they live on a spinning ball. That one I don't understand. Then let us throw "Prove all things" at them and see what comes up. In your view Sheamus, what do you think the problem could be? Flat Earth is is proven through scripture, science, reason, logic, every day experience, common sense, observation and most importantly - the evidence of our God given senses. Just wondering.. you know?

2018-07-31 12:01:15 UTC  

@Deejay from Earth i can't speak on behalf of others, but as far as i go personally, i cannot confirm or deny either, and as far as the literature goes, many people read the same literature and walk away with different interpretations of the same literature, so even just that alone could be chalked up to interpretation which can be altered by our own prejudices. On the matter of flat earth and globe, i am still undecided to judge outright, i have never been up high enough to verify any of this, and other people's claims are also just that, it's theirs. But to me, right now i go based on what works, if one theory allows us to predict something and it's accurate and reliable, then it's as close to the truth as possible until something more accurate and reliable comes along. Keep what works, discatd what doesn't work, and replace superior with inferior. I'm still in the progress of figuring things myself. Just don't take offence to any of it. Emotions aren't reliable to judge by, just be reasonable. I think we all try to be reasonable, and then there's also the matter that we all prioritize different matters. Not everyone's priorities are in the same place.

2018-07-31 12:06:15 UTC  

THIS: Not everyone's priorities are in the same place.

2018-07-31 12:40:05 UTC  

@Deejay from Earth Where are the edges? What happens when one gets there? Can I see some pictures?

2018-07-31 12:56:58 UTC

2018-07-31 12:58:15 UTC  

We would need to move this to <#469490581899575297>

2018-07-31 12:59:10 UTC  

I'm happy just leaving it. No offence.

2018-07-31 13:03:15 UTC  

@Malcolm the Seceder All good. πŸ‘