Message from @rob
Discord ID: 472346772719534080
@Guss ek het so 30% van daardie boodskap verstaan, maar ek vra hom. Dankie. Moet ek solank 'n domain registreer?
ek sien is deur iemand 30 Jun 2018 geregistreer? was dit jy?
I can also lend a hand if you guys need
(Microsoft house)
@rob: This is what I plan:
Landing page, stunning (one page type), parallax type scrolling page (boostrap 3)... but its not a one page site.
Of the landing page, is then links to dedicated pages for the regular type content.
1. Blog, but break to regular bloggy type layout, and make it more, media, publisher, article type layout (isotope or masonay tiles)
2. Timeline typ eo fpage for history
3. members section (you register on site, get access to some member only media),
4. Registered users auto integration with email accounts mailing lists
5. SSL
hey Gus, most of my experience is in .NET
Also so direct ecommerce, with something at payfast, so that project contributions can be dne straight inot ZAR (not having to use paypal, and the US$ stuff
I suck with the graphic design elements and I bumble through front end
cool, so if I get to lazy to support the system, then there is backup like you... will it work for you?
I can do all devops type stuff no probs
I usually get bored quick, so I will do the initial lifting, pass on / share (gits) the code
@theeChristopher posted Tickets have gone on sale on Axiomatic's website, ranging from $99 general admissions, through to a Meet and Greet at $299 or a dinner with the pair for $749.
U using Visual Studio (I assume)
@Klipkop (Clip-Cop) Excellent video klipkop
Guss, I have a Visual studio system installed and running, I use whatever works though, I've worked on large python sites and ruby sites too, as well as some C++MFC VB.NET a tiny bit of java...
Cool, if I do it i just don't want him to be left high and dry if a bus drives over me ....
well, this is more backup than some large commercial projects out there
and Willem fiirst need to speek to the deveoper that already started to help him.... I do not want to step on toes
So let wait for Willems answer
sure, no rush, he's busy organising his I mean Documentary trip
YEa, I know.... and we some shared access to the source code, etc...
Yes, I also think his packing for the weekend trip
Aangename kennis @OlenkaWagner, welkom by **Willem Petzer Live Chat** π¨πΌβπΎποΈ
Who the girl in the video (he did not introduce her). Was it "Mrs" - Willem?
Oh no, I'm not going to start skinner
Alright lads, sorry I was lurking for a day.
I work a lot and thus need a lot of sleep
I'll be on tonight (CST)
around 5:15 pm
If you guys are interested in trading Bitcoin with leverage I have posted a link to the exchange in <#469643958461661185> I will post the signal there once I make my trade