Message from @BershaeS
Discord ID: 275744821040119809
was doubloo checkin wiff muh peepooz brad
dis is extreme vetted discord son
>too bored to play PlayStation
>too bored to study
>too bored to do anything
Have I reacheth the final stage of NEEThood?
Any news on the Canada happening ?
Trudeau calling it anti Muslim terror attack. Seems to frame it nicely for it to be a white guy
Usually they don't say terror when it's Muslim
So he ends up looking worse than he already does if it is
God these people
The sight of Jared Kushner advising Big Don in the Oval Office fills me with existential dread.
Steve Bannon will be keeping a close eye on (((Kushner)))
Goy vey
hahaha big if true
they told him to cover his women with cloth
he told them to cover themselves with six feet of dirt
Going through the chat @BershaeS >Group masturbation sessions at hogwarts.
Nigga what the FUCK
Are those Rowling tweets real? Cause it's going viral on Twitter lol
I think they are. They sound fake tbh
not that she wouldnt say it, but i dont think shes this explicit in the way she says things
She's a very pozzed woman so I believe it
sorry not using mic at the moment
Bowlcut got a higher score...that's why we have nukes and they have snowballs
It's okay
anyone wanna jump in voice chat? I will if yall will
@everyone Get in the voice chat!!!