Message from @BershaeS
Discord ID: 276917482537615362
Thank you @St. Frexit
Knee-deep in buttplugs.
Utter insanity
Is anyone in NYC right now?
I'll be in NYC over the weekend, goy hey were you still looking for Nimble?
That was in here right?
What's up niggers
Just joined up. Thanks for the invite demarcus
This is goyz_to_men from the forum btw
YUGE white pill fam
Tfw no warm welcome from ur altright bros
Sad tbh
hi pepe i dont think we've met
Are u on the forums?
Like I said I'm goyz2men there
sup nigga
How's everyone doin tn
@ BershaeS
Gavin chimpout was kinda shit tier tbh
Are u the nigga from that episode of intwrsecional
the one with carelus rex and dmarcus
Click that link, you wont be disappointed
Promise 😉
Best preworkout motivation video
I've watched that video so much I'm starting to learn German