Message from @J. Fairwater
Discord ID: 283101474261827584
why is no one playing team starcraft 2 ;_; im trying to kill time until im sleepy
Lil yachty the kinda guy who showers in his underwear
having connection problems. A storm where I'm at. Will talk to you guys some other time.
Lil Yachty likes wyte wummin
lil yachty is the type of nigga to steal a free sample
You've disappointed D'Marcus
@jason.hanwel one of the YouTube comments put it best "it's like a nursery rhyme, plus lean, plus some form of retardation."
when i was 23 i was with a 31 yr old woman
When I was 15 I was with a 50 year old woman
Incoming dox
@fashist you got raped son
Goodnight goys! Bedtime nationalism 4 lyfe
swpl nationalism for life
its da kikes
i was
>Cascadia master race
get fucked urbanite flatlanders
wow thats beautiful
holy shit
rex is drunk
(Is this purity spiraling? I don't think it counts. I'm just shitposting)
>tfw no more fb group and i cant watch @J. Fairwater cook while listening to swpl tunes
Alright I'm out fellas