Message from @Eli Mosley
Discord ID: 287464772402806787
I have the max range.
oh ok, well lots of kikes in baltimore
and silver spring
and patomac
Juan down, six million more to go
then 6 million more
Whose that in your avatar @BellaDashwood
Bella Swan from the Twilight saga. My screen name is an amalgamation of 2 fictional characters (Bella Swan from Twilight and Marianne Dashwood from Sense & Sensibility)
WIB are shit libs fyi
They banned me for calling a tranny soldier a he
WIB = women in burkas?
Stopping at a gas station in WV is always a white pill.
@here best answer?
Oven Time
Damn jews always up to their tricks
Shoula known with a name like [REDACTED]
I knew already
@Eli Mosley inform her of her fate
Soap, lampshade or oven
There will be no bun in the oven for her..just her lol
LOL Good work
shlomoess lolol
schlomoess top kek
@Eli Mosley ask her if she's jewish and a woman
she should be gassed now for saying JAP