Message from @Maxthx

Discord ID: 546843089864622101

2019-02-17 21:22:47 UTC  

It's the same for any of these attempts to bring feminists and MRAs or non feminists into some kind of dialogue. Feminists quickly dominate the conversation, object to the terms of debate as soon as something comes up they don't want to discuss

2019-02-17 21:23:30 UTC  

Also, what incentive is there for a feminist to debate anything? As they see it there's nothing to debate about feminism, it's already perfect and irrefutable. Maybe there can be debates within feminism (about trans women, etc.) but that's it.

2019-02-17 21:30:46 UTC  

its a little worse than that, as anyone that disagrees with feminism on any level is a Satanic Nazi that wants to eat babies and burn society to the ground

2019-02-17 21:31:07 UTC  

either you agree with Feminism or you are evil incarnate and everything possible is justifiable to suppress you

2019-02-17 21:36:11 UTC  

Pretty much

2019-02-17 21:37:28 UTC  

MRAs are much more open to discussion than feminists. Why do you think feminist subreddits have (some directly, some indirectly) anti-feminist policies?

2019-02-17 21:40:58 UTC  

its because we know our positions are rational and fact based

2019-02-17 21:41:06 UTC  

in a fair and open debate, feminists know they wouldnt do well

2019-02-17 21:41:37 UTC  

I disagree

2019-02-17 21:41:46 UTC  

They know how to debate

2019-02-17 21:42:02 UTC  

It usually isn’t using facts though

2019-02-17 21:43:25 UTC  

Actually some feminists admit this.

2019-02-17 21:44:53 UTC  

I was listening to Angela Nagle on a podcast. She admitted that feminists generally are not willing to debate anymore. There was that famous debate with Norman Mailer that is generally seen as making feminists look good. She lamented the fact that feminists aren't willing to engage in that kind of debate anymore. She said privately when she brings it up with other feminists they say they admit they don't feel confident enough in their knowledge and don't want to wind up looking stupid.

2019-02-17 21:50:50 UTC  

". She said privately when she brings it up with other feminists they say they admit they don't feel confident enough in their knowledge and don't want to wind up looking stupid."

2019-02-17 21:50:53 UTC  

this is SO telling

2019-02-17 21:56:33 UTC  

Yeah , it is haha.

2019-02-17 23:25:29 UTC  

Feminist theories dont stand up to scrutiny or debate. That's why they shut down anything they remotely see as dissent. Is it any wonder that feminists are afraid of expressing a 'wrong' opinion to anyone, even each other?

2019-02-17 23:42:57 UTC  

I don't know if I can agree with you guys. While most feminists will shut you up because you're "mansplaining", I've had a few that are pretty good at debating.

2019-02-17 23:44:47 UTC  

too bad that they revert to attacking you

2019-02-17 23:58:49 UTC  

I gave up attempting to debate with Feminists because they refused to look at any of the information/statistics I provided and at the same time demanded I back up absolutely every claim/piece of information I presently

2019-02-17 23:59:12 UTC  

they make you work 4 times as hard and then refuse to even acknowledge your side of the arguement

2019-02-17 23:59:20 UTC  

its incredibly frustrating and demeaning

2019-02-17 23:59:32 UTC  

dont even bother

2019-02-18 00:08:46 UTC  

that's an arguing tactic @Maxthx

2019-02-18 00:11:30 UTC  

so is spitting in someone's face

2019-02-18 00:13:30 UTC  

naw, that's leaving the debate

2019-02-18 00:14:27 UTC  

I'll have to mention that the next time someone spits in my face

2019-02-18 00:14:56 UTC  


2019-02-18 00:17:35 UTC  

>they refused to look at any of the information/statistics I provided and at the same time demanded I back up absolutely every claim/piece of information I presently

Yeah, the feminist is controlling you, you shouldn't let that happen. They bring up their point and they don't provide evidence, call em out on it. They ask you to verify your sources. Literally disregard it like they disregard MRAs proving the wage gap false.

2019-02-18 01:02:16 UTC  

Yeah, I mean I usually just say like

2019-02-18 01:02:44 UTC  

I've provided a source. If you doubt the source prove it false. Especially since they have not backed up any of their statements with any sources at all typically.

2019-02-18 01:04:15 UTC  

Like the default is supposed to be: women are most oppressed in every way, shape, or form. Any deviation from that requires ironclad statistics from feminist approved sources.

2019-02-18 01:05:26 UTC  

Anyone who has spent any time working on these things knows it doesn't work that way. Social sciences, public policy, etc. are all guided by conflicting "facts" brought to light by various interest groups.

2019-02-18 01:11:59 UTC  

Feminism also has a few decades worth of dominance in academia to make it seem more correct.

2019-02-18 09:07:38 UTC  

This kind of ideology always tries to legitimise itself by infiltrating science via the social side. Scientific racism started the same way.

2019-02-18 14:38:00 UTC  

This topic is similar to the questions being discussed here yesterday

2019-02-18 14:40:34 UTC  

I don't think so.

2019-02-18 14:40:56 UTC  

Feminism, at this moment, is directed against men and aims to give women more power.

2019-02-18 14:41:24 UTC  

Therefore, unless that changes, will always go against what the MRA strive for. Equal rights for men and women.

2019-02-18 14:43:52 UTC  

I agree, I mean, I describe myself as an anti-feminist. Of course if feminism were to suddenly start being a fair minded, logical ideology, that could change, but there's no way there can be peace between feminists and the MRM with feminism in its current form