Message from @Real Jacko
Discord ID: 524311906006335516
I'd say yes to the daily question, wilful dispersion of false information is a something that can be weaponized agaisnt a people or a state.
@The Big Oof my poor child... Journalists don't lie, they just leave out important information, intentionally create a false narrative out of thin air or twist truths for the benefit of their own personal political beliefs and worldview.
When Britain first at heaven's command
Mfw media has more power than the state
Open borders gang
Second referendum
Media, money, two things that should never allow a foreign power to get a hold of.
if you dont control these two everything practically doesnt matter
Or national power
corbyn for pm
Foreign as in different
Idk, just auth dis shit up with one party state fam
Hello and welcome, Mr. t r u e
Hello and welcome, Jacko and Craixite
Suicidal anime nazbol
is that a rake?
doesn't look like a hammer to me
Holy shit never noticed, Rake & Sickle, Agricultural Socialism
It's a window wiper
fucking gypsies
all they do is wash windows at traffic lights
leaves leave
Strasserist Gang
The problem with journalist selection is that in the modern world every youtuber can be counted as one. So it would be very difficult to vet it. Regardless I would answer yes if 1. it has a sufficiently big calliber of social impact and/or there was money involved.
agricultural socialism, with a rake and sickle sounds like an-prim-soc
anyway with the qotd I think there should be overwhelming evidence that they deliberately mislead the public then yes but if there is any doubts than they should have to retract their story but not be fired
If the social impact is big enough I would be fine with his loosing job just for not vetting the info.