Message from @Higura
Discord ID: 610806132348289024
pit bulls are definitely dangerous and i think they should be bred out of existence but it really does depend on how you raise them and the age of the dog. a lot of the attacks you see are only dangerous because of the size of the dog and the exaggerated predatory features of a pit bull
when most dogs playfully bite you its nothing but a pit bull exerting the same force would be dangerous
also, the younger dogs dont have as much world experience and dont know how they should behave yet. most of the pitbulls people i know have owned were very boisterous and would just up on you but wouldnt hurt a fly honestly. you jusy have to raise them right. with that in mind they defintely still are a dnager because of their natural predisposition towards violence
they should be bred out over time
@Coal pitbull talk you here fam
Based eugenics
based pitbull-slayer
Little wholesomeness
Itβs good to have some wholesomeness
He should do one on like mister Rodgers next
That would be great
Sorry if this is the wrong chat but I have a cool question that I would like to hear ideas and opinions about. What would you do with the Infinity Gauntlet? I already know most people would be like kill all blacks and jews but come on, lets think outside the box.
Tbh, remove the existence of nukes, destroy every bit of knowledge on em. Give our planet a reliable fuel source that's self sustaining, reverse the damage that's been done to our planet, and help colonise other planets securing our species existence
Delete all humans.
Sheep pinging me while arizona is pretty much right
I just encounter shitty people who have pits
Pits have a pretty extreme variance in how they can turn out. They're needy dogs.
Well pf course
it can be fine if it was raised from a puppy and trained to absolutely never use its mouth. But that owner has to be all about that dog for a long time.
I couldn't so it. I'm too lazy. I like dogs that can pretty well look after themselves.
Shouldn't have to work so hard to train a dog
Cavemen tamed wolves and had less trouble
Pitbulls have been bred wrong
I'd snap away everyone but conspiracy theorists and watch them spiral into insanity
Have to face the reality that i have to go to work in a couple hours and be terrorized by a man I'm attracted to
I'm sad
It sucks, I wish I wasn't attracted to sleaze balls
Sleaze balls with big sneezers, god why did he have to have such a big fuckin nose and be such a scumbag.
I thought you said shaved balls
I can handle perverts to an extent but this is a bit too much
>shaved balls
Kill all shitbulls tbh