Message from @DUBYA DUBYA II

Discord ID: 630545011867648032

2019-10-06 19:10:13 UTC  

>be me
>wake up
>decide to check discord
>”*Dubya likes art hoes*”

2019-10-06 19:15:19 UTC

2019-10-06 19:20:00 UTC  

You aren’t wrong but I just like the alternative shit about them and maybe that’s my problem, I want a girl that’ll treat me the same way I treat them. The best. Those two things don’t mix well though, a girl can’t be loyal if she’s bat shit insane, and the ones I’ve found that do treat me well are drug addicts and I’m not dealing with that

2019-10-06 19:46:01 UTC  

you'll find that girl dubya

2019-10-06 20:08:50 UTC  

I do find big tiddy alt girls pretty sexy

2019-10-06 21:48:59 UTC  

I had a dream a while ago about a girl who I married and had a kid with I was happy as shit but then I woke up looked around my room there was no crib no wife and then I got sad but then I decided this was going to be my motivation and it became my dream to have a good orthodox family

2019-10-06 21:54:04 UTC  

Remember having a dream where i think it was me and a girl making up with one another after an argument and we ended up hugging it out. Felt good but then i woke up

2019-10-06 22:07:17 UTC  

@DUBYA DUBYA II get yourself a recovering addict I guess (who has most of her teeth loll)
The guy I like is really fucking strong physically and mentally.
I'll be honest though, men seem to recover better than women do. Women... Tend to not have as strong will power.

2019-10-06 22:11:42 UTC  

There ARE alternative girls who don't do drugs though, you just have to look very hard and carefully for them.
I'm one of the few goth girls who doesn't have tattoos, dyed hair, doesn't drink/do drugs, etc but that's because of my upbringing and religious preferences (mom was basically an art hoe drug addict in the 80s, one of the originals).

2019-10-06 22:13:51 UTC  

But like I said, you have to look very hard

2019-10-06 22:27:00 UTC  

@SheepTeeth the girl I was talking too is trying to quit some heavy shit and I’m there for her if she’s serious about it but if not I’m not gonna get involved because that wouldn’t be good for myself, you’re a unique goth goyl. You’re also right about that, there are ones who don’t do drugs or who aren’t mentally unhinged but they’re either so turned off to having a relationship from past experience or are taken

2019-10-06 22:59:15 UTC  

Yeah, you gotta find a girl who's willing to work through her shit and help you work through yours

2019-10-06 22:59:47 UTC  

Hard though

2019-10-06 22:59:49 UTC  

I think I have better odds at the lottery

2019-10-06 23:00:02 UTC  

A lot of women are extremely self-centered

2019-10-06 23:14:33 UTC  

Lot of women nowadays that will want a relationship but only if it’s convenient, then the moment it isn’t they’ll do everything in their power to get you to leave so they can make it seem like they were the victim

2019-10-06 23:17:17 UTC  

Now don’t get me wrong there’s still plenty of nice girls out there, but it takes a lot to figure out how a particular girl thinks, what sets them off, what makes them happy, lot of subtle things you gotta look for

2019-10-06 23:18:48 UTC  

Ie: they dont know themselves and suck at communication

2019-10-06 23:19:16 UTC  


2019-10-06 23:20:45 UTC  

And that’s the biggest problem for many my age, many of us don’t know who we are, don’t know what we want, don’t know who we’re looking for, that or crazy amounts of hormones just making people do irascible shit

2019-10-06 23:24:16 UTC  

Its not just your age

2019-10-06 23:24:33 UTC  

Most dont well into their 40s

2019-10-06 23:25:08 UTC  

People dont get enough time to

2019-10-06 23:25:57 UTC  

That’s some shit

2019-10-06 23:26:14 UTC  

I couldn’t imagine being that way in my 40s

2019-10-06 23:27:05 UTC  

Its basically the bar crowd

2019-10-06 23:34:25 UTC  

Or you get people like me, who knew what they wanted, but also know its not obtainable, so you try to go for other shit, but none of it is what you want. And really all you want is just to sleep because you disagree with virtually everything in society.

2019-10-06 23:36:00 UTC  

I feel that way, it’s sad that my goals in life are now kinda shunned by society, it’s shunned to settle down, to tie yourself to one person, to have kids

2019-10-06 23:38:15 UTC  

I still blame easly accessible contraceptives for that. If birth control was more limited and not as easily accessible whether it be implants, pills, etc, i honestly think the more conservative idea of staying with one person would still be viewd as accepted now a days

2019-10-06 23:38:34 UTC  

And know the feel sleep

2019-10-06 23:39:01 UTC  

I think it has to do more with role models

2019-10-06 23:39:41 UTC  

And "sex sells" as a marketing convention

2019-10-06 23:39:47 UTC  

Cheapens it

2019-10-06 23:40:10 UTC  

Makes it nothing via over repetition

2019-10-06 23:40:29 UTC  

Becomes the background expectation

2019-10-06 23:41:29 UTC  

I can see that, but overly sexual marketing has kinda slowdown as of recently

2019-10-06 23:41:45 UTC  

Like it's not as upfront compared to let say 08-2010

2019-10-06 23:42:22 UTC  

Rememner those old carls jr commercials lol

2019-10-06 23:42:31 UTC  

Lol, yeah

2019-10-06 23:42:56 UTC  

Have to wait though to see if theres a change