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I'm high functioning Autist, enough to convince the Coast Guard that Im sane and go to school at least.
I went to SPED school for a bit. I mean like a school dedicated to Tards, and also kids who had PTSD or anger management due to them living in dem projects and just having a shitty childhood.
I have a few stories
Nothing worth greentext tho
I know backwards R
Wow theres people in here who live in a town smaller than mine...
I'm sorry man
About just like...
the state of your entire country rn
Get rid of it
America is on easy mode. Its politically fucked, but its not nearly the level it needs to be to fall apart.
Congress is more important than the President.
Anyone else high key scared of raising a kid someday in this world and constantly combatting all the bullshit transgender, anti-gun, liberalism he/she is being fed at school
Yeah that's the thing, if another parent want's to tell their little shit that they can be whatever gender they want and confuse them, thats they're freedom. But the school doesn't have the right to tell my childs entire class that they can be whatever gender they're not and that they go out and use daddies money to get to their genitals surgically lopped off
I hate when girls are like "I want a man who's as clingy as me, I want a man who texts me every day to see how I'm doing" cause it reminds me of my girlfriend who I was with for a like 6 months and the last two she became really flakey and she didn't really answer me and I'd ask to make plans and she'd either just say no outright or cancel last minute. I eventually got fed up and asked her "So....are we even dating anymore?" and she just texted "no"
Girl after that cheated on me.
And after that I was done with highschool girls until like halfway through freshman year in college recently I found a girl who also was getting over a bad relationship, that lasted like a month or less and it was good and she was nice and we seemed to get along until one day we we're making plans and she just told me "You're gonna hate me for this. (insert long explanation) tl;dr I'm not ready for a relationship rn." And it sucks cause I don't know if she was lying or telling the truth
Yeah thats not gonna happen.
I'll settle with the breakups before I settle for someone who wants to be treated like shit
I want someone who actually values themselves
I'd use anti-depressants, but be careful and consult your Dr.
/fit/ feels (even though I've never been on fit...)
>be me 18
>Chubby, not too obese but def out of shape and can barely run
>decide enoughs enough and do something about it
>begin intermittent fasting diet, only eat between times of 2 PM - 10 PM
>Ability to control hunger achieved for once in my life
>Start working out, lift weights 3 days of the week, cardio 4 days of the week
>Start of first summer, can barely jog 2 miles without essentially breaking down physically, can't do a single pull up
>End of summer, jog 6 miles daily, can do 5+ pull ups
>Weight no longer starts with the number 2
>Family tells me I look thinner and healthier
>look in mirror one day while lifting, notice for the first time in my life I'm actually confident with the way I look
>Feel more alive than ever
>Tfw reality sets in and I realize no matter how much weight I lost and how many dumb bells I life I will always be a social retard
Welcome to the club m8
lets get t-shirts
>be me in class, yesterday
>walk to seat
>classmate stops me
> "Hey Anon, have you lost weight?"
> "Yeah I have"
> "You look good man"
>Mfw that is the nicest thing anyone has said to me in years
I want to tie down some communist thot and then whip out a can of gasoline and light the godless whore on fire to punish her for supporting such a shitty system
>be me
>be wandering around academy grounds
>weird noises from bush
>look inside bush
>there is a small baby birb in the bush, I dont mean like a fledgling, I mean like a legit newborn baby bird, mostly skin
>no idea how it go into this random bush, not even a nest or anything
>think what to do
>leave hoping mom comes back
>check on it a few hours later
>still there, still alive and still screaming at me
>spend hours thinking about baby birb
>should I take care of it
>what would I feed it?
>how would my room mate react?
>check on it next day
>tfw I let an animal die
I still feel guilt
I don't like to go out of my way to interfere with nature
but if I see an injured animal I like to atleast try to help
I used to intern at a vet clinic for like a year and a half
jesus that job created a lot of feels stories
The shittiest part about putting down animals, is that every single one of them knows they are about to die.
It doesnt matter how old, what breed, hell even what species
They always know
That being said putting down an animal is 1000x easier than not putting down an animal
I've met some really stupid owners who refuse to put their animals down cause its "my daughters favorite cat" or some bullshit
Imagine watching a cat litterally pissing itself to death because it has liver failure, and all you can do is pump it full of fluids and IV and stick it in a cage while it loses lbs of weight by the hour
Thats a specific case btw, I remember him clearly. Cuddles, or as I liked to call him "cuddles the anti-cuddle cat" he wasn't the most friendly cat but neither would if I was in that scenario, he got pretty mello during the last day. But one thing that sticks out about cuddles case is that it was the first time I really wish an animal would just die. I remember I came into the holding area and saw him lying lifeless in his cage and I thought to myself "Please be dead, please just be dead cuddles." but alas when I came to the cage the stuborn bastard poked his little head up and slowly opened his eyes to tell me wasnt dead
I think the most depressing thing I've ever experienced was when my friend Michael who was a Specialist in the Army got drunk one night at Fort Eustis and hung himself in his room. That was depressing in its own right to have a friend die when you're all still so young, but what really stuck with me was when we went to the funeral one of my friends from my highschool that I hadn't seen in awhile, Scot, was there. Scot had a really bad case of tourettes, like to the point that he will blurt out the worst words possible like fuck, shit, nigger, bitch, faggot, or what ever is shittiest in the situation. He sat down for awhile with us in the pews but he kept blurting out shit and people we're looking at him so he ended up getting up and watching the entire funeral from the exterior doorway of the church. That shit hurt me, to watch him alone and know he can't even go to his own friends funeral in peace.
I think the shittiest part was that Mike was probably the coolest guy in school, everybody liked him, and he didn't have any of the bullshit problems everyone else seemed to have. Never once did any of us see this coming. The coolest and strongest guy we knew killed himself and I can't help but wonder what that means the rest of us pathetic fucks can do
very neat and cool
great rocks
hol up gotta get my headphones
chop suey you uncultered swine
very sad
@grapes I've been AFK actually for 30 mins and just got back
!play soad soldier side
!play soad toxicity
wait fuck
I wanted the song not the entire album
>be sad
>listen to sad music
>more sad
>more sad music
>le very sad
this cycle will continue for maybe like four weeks before I actually stop
>be me
>in NYC for veterans day parade with the academy
>walking around with kids I really dont know
>say fuck it, go back to near the pickup spot at the plaza and ice skaying rink
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