Message from @Le Frenchman
Discord ID: 589962056225128516
shid my memory is bad
Chills has good meme potential
I read that in his monotone voice
NuMbEr FiFtEeN!
I need to find the video where he says something about the small brown stain or whatever
That was hilarious
As YoU wAtCh ThEsE yOuTuBeRs FlEe In TeRrOr
numbuh fifdeen
burgah king foo lettuss
tbh, I will always believe that aliens exist more than ghosts
Someone made a hypothetical image of the son of Midna and Link from Twilight Princess.
Doesn’t look too bad
It’s nerf or N O T H I N
Kabuto, use HARDEN!
Charizard use flamethrower
@Le Frenchman no shota in the server reeeee
I didn't know it was shota
You couldnt tell the mother creeping on the four year old boy?
"Daddy isn't home now, let's play Scrabble behind his back."
The gods are bipolar
Good old College Humor..... and good old times...
@WTRP This is stupid. A terrible idea.