Saint Jiub the Magnificent

Discord ID: 293476753630953473

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I'm 17, from the US, and I'm here because I like spooky stories

So basically spin the mother around really fast so the baby flies out


My profile is a Morrowind character

I've had it like this for so long

I tend to forget it

The first guy you see

I don't want to change it because then people wouldn't recognize me

Lots of NPCs have the same voice

Dark elves always sound like they have a ton of mucus in their throat

Minion toilet water


Turn on a light if you have sleep paralysis

I've found that if you go to sleep with a feeling of fear it usually causes sleep paralysis

The problem is

You watched the dubbed version

what the fuck

why is that even illegal


Why don't they just sell actual milk




or however that's spelled

canadian stuff

they have that stuff outside of Quebec too

I never knew it was originally from french canada

it's not gay since you're fapping to pixels on a screen, and those pixels look female

I thought you were from France

Your name should be Le Quebecoise

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