Message from @TheBobinator
Discord ID: 607953244022374429
H E ' S
you can either click remove but immediately die and eternally suffer in limbo or you can ignore it and carry on with your day
Well clicking remove kebab on google won't actually remove kebab, so nah
can't believe you'd say that tbqh
Real gamer hours
@DerekThePlagueDoctor What am I looking at
All I see is a hanged feminist, faggot, and a nightstand.
With a cake of soap.
It appears to be a cringy faggot killing a bunch of other cringy faggots
That fucking lamp got me
Big Iron
It reminds me of Scary Movie 3 where the black guy pumps the shovel, and a shotgun shell ejects
Because blacks are retarded because of Liberals
tfw your race is so cucked by the democratic party that you start enforcing your own stereotypes