Message from @Dionysus AKA Giegue
Discord ID: 624390198481911835
Is that the song from Mulan
In space, no one can hear you honk
Guess I'll put it in weeb toons too
i was gonna fix the lighting on that one but i got bored and gave up
@FantasticFwoosh what is that from? without names swapped
I have no idea its just a random picture.
ah shit, just sounds like its from a shitty film or something
Its not the kind of shit you write on bathroom walls is it?
gedda the fuck outttaaaa heeeerreee
Ask if there will be sky screaming
@Dionysus AKA Giegue Fuck with her
Say that you will pollute harder than China
I keep getting random texts with people thinking I'm a Robert, I'm G
Is your dad a Robert
Nah, he's a John
He's serious about deleting it soon
He seeming did that with the first video
Comrades being comrads