Message from @badtanman
Discord ID: 304659987463143425
Looks like July .
won't finish till 2020? craycray
Would be funny if after fuck Jews it just posted a mic drop gif and just turned into a shitposting account.
Lol what is molymeme doing
@badtanman lol just saw this
charge your phone nigga
pocket casts master race
is edging gay
@queenarchitect I am :p
oh no
has mpa gone crazy
@badtanman actually was hitting on a card carrying member of the local commi party.
Felt disgusted with myself after I learned that she was a communist and drowned myself in liquor
Why are commies so popular?
They're everywhere tbh
because it requires no effort or personal accountability for failure
and jews romanticized it
i still cant believe i watched that entire thing one time
Revolution is cool! Am I right young people?
we did it reddit!
When questions like the one the sheboon had come up, I wonder "are we viewing the same reality?" Her question comes from a completely different context than what Spencer provided, so it is incredibly fristrating.
So is sven having a call in show today
well my life is complete time to die
hey no dying
What did the she boom even ask? I was there and it was so incoherent I couldn't remember.
Ooga Booga we WUZ more oppressed honky
It's like the media worships anything that beat boxes out of a dindus mouth. No wonder they think they have melanin powers
my name-a jeff haha