Message from @OrwellHuxley
Discord ID: 304652114674843648
Maybe a twitter account dedicated to hand spinners. Build it up big then one day go full 14/88.
Happy Hitler day, guys
I like how the left is taking so much pride in that sheboon's non sequitur. "She smacked him down and left him speechless. Drops the mic*" when? He responded directly after, so he wasn't left "speechless." What universe are these people living in?
I remember when pwnage videos used to have actual pwnage. Now it's just, "this person agrees with me, OHHHHHH SNAP! MOTHERFUCKIN OWNED! Would you like some ice for that burn?"
maybe if they don't think he's scary they'll go away?
Really doesn't matter but has Spencer even said whites are more oppressed than blacks? I mean he said I wouldn't deny blacks have been oppressed.
he said we can't understand their pain and they can't understand ours at one point
The whole thing is a joke. Watching sheboons "destroy" Spencer is quickly becoming a guilty pleasure of mine.
jews soon
I wonder when that account was started.
Looks like July .
won't finish till 2020? craycray
Would be funny if after fuck Jews it just posted a mic drop gif and just turned into a shitposting account.
Lol what is molymeme doing
@badtanman lol just saw this
charge your phone nigga
pocket casts master race
is edging gay
@queenarchitect I am :p
oh no
has mpa gone crazy
@badtanman actually was hitting on a card carrying member of the local commi party.
Felt disgusted with myself after I learned that she was a communist and drowned myself in liquor
Why are commies so popular?
They're everywhere tbh