Message from @Athena Marie
Discord ID: 315527695800860682
Look at that blonde hair
i'd rub my frenulum all the way across her massive forehead
@Eli Mosley I'll evaluate my gfs friends for you today and send one your way
Alright faggs need to go drink with the Hungarian girls i met
I'll tell them the glory of white sharia
>drink last swig of milk
>chunk at the bottom
thanks jews
saudi twitter is like inverse white sharia right now
all the arab men want blonde blue eyed women
no shit
and all the women are screaming in caps lock about how much it hurts
just checked
the part i needed didnt arrive
thanks, jews
and all the fundementalists are laughing at both of them and quoting verses from the quran
>mfw eli spergs over his wardrobe for the pool party and i throw on my unironed shirt from my closet
Who is here
it's not wrinkled feggits
i'm here
i'm not here, i'm going to the store
Can you help me pick a jacket and tie
@Athena Marie unfortunately the last time i put a burqa on a woman she told me i was a cuck who probably wasn't even 100% bavarian
Here it goes.
she ripped off the burqa and shoved it up my ass with 25 centimeters of wood
@Convo you should oven yourself for letting a woman call you a cuck
>tfw you can't tell if it's sacco or mrs. sacco posting
white sharia huh, nothin white about it