Message from @Grumplebee
Discord ID: 453772278740549633
How hasn't he been memed more?
I'm all for Journalists in camps, but beheading might go too far
I just witnessed a boomer conspiracy theorist argument irl
It was pretty fucking cringy
Journalists by and large support groups that would see them all killed. Not in a general cultural or racial sense, but in a "directly opposed to freedom of the press" sense. That's god tier cuckery.
I knew that image was going to get back to the happyfunplaytime creative writing class. God what a bunch of insufferable, useless babies
It's a good thing very few people like the modern set of journalists anyhow.
Otherwise, her bleating might actually do something.
Looks like the resistance will have to go analog
spread the word
Any thoughts on this?
So, basically autists
I would usually think of all those traits as being good things. Maybe not.
When I think of highly-sensitive people, I think of Steve Chives and his ilk.
Sounds like a horoscope to me. So what if a psychologist penned it?
Psychology is an extremely young science. On top of that it was discovered by degenerates who, of course, but their spin on it.
Austria's finally coming through and pissing off the right people
Bunch of Senegalese in Argentina caught doing illegal shit
Why are there Senegalese in Argentina in the first place?
god knows
It's probably something to do with cheap labour, but most of them don't even have proper jobs
Here is a good video about the Bolshevik Revolution. Archive this. This guy has a good channel.
Wew lad
Part of me hopes that Trump helps bring about a regime change that actually benefits the people of North Korea solely to enrage the people who despise him and try to turn it into a negative. A small part, yes. The bigger part is so the people in N. Korea aren't enduring crazy amounts of crazy dictatorship approved brainwashing.
I can see the tweet now: "I just took the most likely cause of global anhillation and cock stomped it into oblivion. My weapon? A mutual love of Big Macs with NK's dear leader. Where's my nobel peace prize? Need I remind you Obama got one just for being black.
Yeah, he's not saying that.
Never during Obama's presidency did I hope for him to fuck something up to make America look bad. The animosity, sometimes performative, sometimes genuine, that these people hold for Trump to the degree that they are hoping our country fails just to make him look bad is astonishing.
I have noticed this, a mathematician I know hoped that Americans would suffer for daring to vote Trump, and wanted to make them suffer, so that they'd learn their lesson.
Also, isn't that a joke?