Message from @ARockRaider
Discord ID: 655930878387683358
More like ya lied to cover your ass bud lol “wrong” and “accident” seem to be this weeks favorite words
Such a straight-shooter. Such a stoic, upright man of the law
<:thinking_clown:590855640268668928> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
Was the investigation politically motivated?
Pfftt..... me? Politically motivated common.
>a few weeks later
Alright so I was wrong uh.....
Who, me bro? Nah, fam. I would never do that
Comey was always bs
Comey's an impressive example of double standards - Such as declaring Hillary innocent with overwhelming evidence as they "couldn't prove bad intentions" - yet Dems currently are launching articles of impeachment based on perceived "intentions" and no hard evidence.
Both are spectacular examples of how to botch an investigation.
theyve shown zero evidence that the Ukranian President is lying about any of this
nothing at all
I wish we could just post memes instead of linking them
i just post them in my own Discord server and then link from there
Democrats Respond to Rep. Van Drew’s Reported Switch to GOP
The Dems are awfully salty about this <:why:462286147473637407>
First rat to abandon the sinking ship
i dont want him either though, the state of running and being elected on a platform and then changing sides and platofrms. legit horrible hypocrite and should have just stayed on his sinking ship
I don't understand why these law enforcement people think they can be "wrong" or have "oversites" or "mistakes"
you are the top, you don't GET to have things like that happn with out doing permanent harm to someone who was innocent.
they need to step up big time before something bad happens and normal people become ungovernable.
these people need to behave like their mistakes and oversites are crimes, not only because that is how they demand the people they are chargeing live.
@Brue I think the guy's a strong opponent of impeachment. You're not a hypocrite if the earth splits open right underneath where you placed your platform.
There is also one Dem incumbent governor that recently won his reelection, and the left celebrated the victory
Even though the guy is anti-abortion, pro guns, and basically held a religious sermon when he won. That guy is clearly in the wrong party as the party has already run away from him.
that seems like a fair assment of things.
I know nothing about that guy but I would still be unsure about his politics with out his voteing record.
there are plenty of people who could run for office no need to risk getting a RINO is my main opinion on the topic.
@Benjamin Henry Well great, KYM decided the next entry will be an ASMR parody by a girl who OD'd herself to death on coke
There are people who actually deny the email scandal is real
I've met them lol
it's so annoying and grating, like it's painful to talk to people like this
"the fbi completely cleared clinton"
no, they dropped the fucking cases when trump showed up
while those cases have a *shit ton* of evidence
and whenever you bring up this evidence you get "all republicans are traitors" (as if only republicans make this argument), as this is apparently "russian propaganda."
If the US was to become one giant NYC, the economy would grow to like $1.1 Quintillion, I think?
if the us was to become one giant nyc then hell would be real
@Cobra Commander There is no political solution
> If the US was to become one giant NYC, the economy would grow to like $1.1 Quintillion, I think?
If the US was to become one giant NYC, the people would fucking starve to death and the economy would collapse.
Also, hell.
Too many brown people, pass