Message from @Kunarian

Discord ID: 671836419802660894

2020-01-28 21:39:56 UTC  

They do realise that rejoining after the 31st means we lose all the special features we had before?

2020-01-28 21:41:17 UTC  

Like they'd give a fuck

2020-01-28 21:41:51 UTC  

They'd want to rejoin regardless of the effect it'd have

2020-01-28 21:43:55 UTC  

How could they possibly believe that we could rejoin before the transition period ends

2020-01-28 21:44:18 UTC  

Like Crafty says, they're deluded.

2020-01-28 21:45:12 UTC  

At absolute minimum we are going to be out until 2025

2020-01-28 21:45:16 UTC  

All you have to do to enter the mindset of the Remoaners, if you're not British, is to think about the kinds of garbage the "Lost Cause" historical revisionism spouted by neo-Confederates

2020-01-28 21:45:59 UTC  

I'd like to see the % of people that would want to be part of the EU without our special allowances

2020-01-28 21:53:19 UTC  

How in the fuck do we join the Eu in the next year

2020-01-28 21:53:26 UTC  

With no election and a stable parliament

2020-01-28 21:53:34 UTC  

I don’t even like tories but it’s not possible

2020-01-28 21:55:29 UTC  

I wonder how ridiculous the EU's demands could be before they finally say no

2020-01-28 21:55:42 UTC  

Like how much could the EU offer up front in cash, before they say no

2020-01-28 21:55:50 UTC  


2020-01-28 21:55:52 UTC  

I should say

2020-01-28 21:55:52 UTC  

i want the remainers and rejoiners to just stfu for now

2020-01-28 21:55:59 UTC  

we will never rejoin

2020-01-28 21:56:46 UTC  

try convincing people to go back in, but have to sign up to euro, combined military and other stuff we cant opt out of if we rejoined

2020-01-28 21:58:01 UTC  

Lib dems or labour became the party of rejoin they’re dead

2020-01-28 21:58:04 UTC  


2020-01-28 21:58:05 UTC  


2020-01-28 21:58:06 UTC  

I tried that argument, but got "Good, it'll make it impossible for us to try and leave again" thrown back at me :/

2020-01-28 21:58:15 UTC  

Which is why we want them to become that

2020-01-28 21:58:27 UTC  

Or at least the Lib Dem’s

2020-01-28 21:58:29 UTC  

Then tories have no opposition and can do anything

2020-01-28 21:58:37 UTC  

i don't think labour will campaign for rejoin, at least not before the next election

2020-01-28 21:58:38 UTC  

tories are still surging

2020-01-28 21:58:38 UTC  

To suck remainers from Labour

2020-01-28 21:58:41 UTC  

in polls

2020-01-28 21:58:55 UTC  

@TheRandomist That is treasonous

2020-01-28 21:59:26 UTC  

It’s not a logic that will jive with most of the country

2020-01-28 21:59:43 UTC  

Just 20% or so hardcore remainers

2020-01-28 22:00:01 UTC  

Depends on the leader but I think labour in future will just try and campaign for a “better post brexit future for the many”

2020-01-28 22:00:09 UTC  

granted, 3 polls wont mean anything in 5 years time at the next election, but the second boris bounce is impressive

2020-01-28 22:00:30 UTC  

After 20 years out politics will have normalised

2020-01-28 22:01:45 UTC  

Yes, though they've been vocally pro further EU integration and for giving up our special conditions since before there was any talk of the referendum @Hopix , surprisingly we're able to have civil conversations about politics usually, though we have to agree to disagree on Brexit because we know neither of us is budging towards the other at all.

2020-01-28 22:56:32 UTC  

Remainers don't care about the country, or it's people

2020-01-28 22:56:39 UTC  

That's what you need to come to terms with