Message from @Goddess Tyche

Discord ID: 672159687197589564

2020-01-29 19:05:23 UTC  

Can you give a description of the board?

2020-01-29 19:05:45 UTC  

well, that's the thing, i don't know yet

2020-01-29 19:05:58 UTC  

I understand that it's divided into different sections represented by different shapes with different colors

2020-01-29 19:06:00 UTC  

i need a sequence for the fields

2020-01-29 19:06:05 UTC  

Ah, ok

2020-01-29 19:06:40 UTC  

like, with boardgames it's usually a D6 and the fields are identical, but the colour/shape twist makes that useless

2020-01-29 19:07:29 UTC  

Do it kinda like a combination of Monopoly and CandyLand

2020-01-29 19:07:52 UTC  

1, 2, 3, Red, 4, 5, 6, Blue, etc

2020-01-29 19:08:18 UTC  

no, the fields aren't numbered

2020-01-29 19:09:08 UTC  

So something like : red square, blue circle, green star, etc.

2020-01-29 19:09:15 UTC  


2020-01-29 19:10:30 UTC  

technically three different rolls can put you on the same field

2020-01-29 19:11:28 UTC  

probably have to go with a displacement rule (you push the opponent a field backwards if you land on them)

2020-01-29 19:12:59 UTC  

I thought about making cards, but that shit gets lost and damaged real easy, and a die makes it not predetermined (while cards like in Monopoly would)

why dont you just make a sketch or just code an ez program to help you with testing?

2020-01-29 19:18:19 UTC  

yeah, just code it, let me open up my code machine and punch in a few codes like the hacker I am

2020-01-29 19:18:53 UTC  


there are already tons of features of such a thing and basically from what i can tell you just need a dice 12. Furthermore, elaborate more on your "progression system" because from what I can tell there is none, and in order to make such "balanced" you'd need to solve ez statistical variants or make combinations of such rules.

2020-01-29 19:20:54 UTC  

see, I don't know what you're talking about, and that is the main obstacle here

2020-01-29 19:22:02 UTC  

> elaborate more on your "progression system" because from what I can tell there is none

picture a series of coloured shapes connected by a line, you "progress" that line with dice rolls until you land on the final field

2020-01-29 19:22:37 UTC  

it's not exactly an open-world MMORPG

does all the different variants count on the "line"? i.e. are they unique or duplicatable.

2020-01-29 19:26:14 UTC  

that's the thing, there are 16 possible fields (four colours × four shapes), and I'm thinking the length of the line is either 32 or 48 (+ starting field)

2020-01-29 19:26:51 UTC  

which makes each variant appear 2-3 times

2020-01-29 19:27:57 UTC  

and, like I said, if any other metric trumps the shape/colour balancing, I'm willing to have more yellow circles than red ones

2020-01-29 19:28:10 UTC  

but not extremely so

2020-01-29 19:28:49 UTC  

actually, I may just increase that to 64 fields (+start)

2020-01-29 19:29:31 UTC  

although, that would depend on what the actual average roll is for this thing

heh I know how to make em suffer 😉 instead of a line make it not an 2^x limit. Starting point middle of the dodecagon and then choose your 16 different shape varients and a specific sequences makes you win.

2020-01-29 19:34:21 UTC  


2020-01-29 19:35:03 UTC  

like, you'd have thought a channel of gamers would have at least one guy who knows this shit really well.

2020-01-29 19:35:48 UTC  

admittedly, board games and videogaes are different breeds

yes because the problem imo with ya thing is that the progression is like wtf? so you get a d12 toss it, get a shape then go to that shape?

2020-01-29 19:35:55 UTC  

much like whites and abbos

2020-01-29 19:36:03 UTC  


2020-01-29 19:36:10 UTC  

it's that fucking simple, because kids

make it so that if you get four triangels you win or if you get X of same attribute you win

make the children hate each other

2020-01-29 19:37:56 UTC  

well, in order for that to work the most the board can be long is 12 fields, plus it doesn't account for the final field

if both is one the same place

they go to the start 😉