Message from @Reaps
Discord ID: 421666292290813972
ivy needs tighter bikini
maybe that's his criticism
in other news, academic agent thinks monopolies are fine, because anti-trust might not work
yeah, AA is a bit... stupid at times
monopolies have great customer service btw
and excellent warranties
being unaccountable means they care extra about customers, it's not like the govt is inefficient because its a monopoly of sorts
Shaky monopolies might actually be a good thing. When someone is holding a monopoly and could lose it in a snap if people would grow too dissatisfied.
That's not really how monopolies work you two. Greed is too strong and the brand name is too strong. Just look at apple, it's not like they keep themselves afloat with good customer service or quality of production, and they're not even a monopoly just the market leader.
Well, it is somewhat how it works where i live in for few companies. ALKO is a state owned alcohol monopoly which was set up after the Prohibition here. It is only entity which is allowed to sell hard booze here. If it cocks things up badly the politics WILL tear it down.
This means that the service quality is quite high indeed.
jebus, discord didn't like *that* link
oh, cause it got deleted lel
@Thomas the Sowell Train [USA]
That's an acid trip
"90s alternative culture, the video game"
“Reapsies hopes and dreams, the video game”
hmm, nah
Now with 30% more Deliverance and 10% more Cum.
hopefully sargon's cum
if it adds the third dimension to the game, I'm down
the hell is that supposed to be?
It's a mod for Breath of the Wild.
you can have mods on a switch?
yeah, wut
On Wii U.