Message from @DanielKO
Discord ID: 421842034525995009
@Thomas the Sowell Train [USA]
That's an acid trip
"90s alternative culture, the video game"
“Reapsies hopes and dreams, the video game”
hmm, nah
more like this
Now with 30% more Deliverance and 10% more Cum.
hopefully sargon's cum
if it adds the third dimension to the game, I'm down
the hell is that supposed to be?
It's a mod for Breath of the Wild.
you can have mods on a switch?
yeah, wut
On Wii U.
Famitsu is doing a survey for western gamers that play Japanese games.
Soon Trihex will be banned from Tempo for being a racist symbol himself.
Tomorrow/today is Mar10, by the way.
It's weird their standards don't apply across the board though. Whenever a white American or someone with a southern accent talks on the Overwatch League stream everyone begins to spam the "KKona" emote which they use to represent "rednecks". Everyone seems to think this is fine though and justifies it, the same people who complain about TriHard suddenly will tell you in the next sentence other emotes against other types of people is alright.
I'm not a fan of double standards.
Isn't it funny? How black activists demand black emotes, then complain that people are using them?