Message from @Jimmy Marr
Discord ID: 323620205022543872
Master Race
God damn it!!!! Fuck
I'm a fucking bean eating wet back!
Pro tip @Australopithecus Jordan take the picture in a well lit area.
^ 😂
At least it recognizes the merchant to be non white
Fucking Based Hitler!
Still 2% wet back even in better lighting. I'm done. It's over. The jews were right. White doesn't exist. We are all mixed. Time to embrace my multi racial composition. Don't gas kikes, NWO now.
There is only one race, the HUMAN race!
wow, I don't think we can hang out any more Mr. Marr.
Someome do a pic of my with the swastika posters. I'm curious
I though maybe if I added some cornrows I could up my nigger quotient, but oh no, Whiter by the minute.
It's gotta be that lily white cleavage.
Best news ive heard in a while.
Itd be cool if it could break 'white' down to region
Guess now I know why I like gardening so much
You're cool, Siegurdo.
Ima start a new gang called the Aryan Hermanohood.
these fucking kikes definitely trained it on "white hispanics"
New kike doxxing weapon has been deployed, hand rubbing intensifies I was just kidding
Just another attempt to convince all the goyim that they're all mixed anyways," there's nothing left to protect goyim might as well fuck monkeys"
Yeah i got it, slowly
I think theyre making race specific weapons
We need WN biotics labs
Weaponized Ebola Now
Just create a virus to target all jews, give it a week to show symptoms. Booya!
Sprinkle it on money