Message from @KommieKillinKowboy
Discord ID: 323654979636166656
wow, I don't think we can hang out any more Mr. Marr.
Someome do a pic of my with the swastika posters. I'm curious
I though maybe if I added some cornrows I could up my nigger quotient, but oh no, Whiter by the minute.
It's gotta be that lily white cleavage.
Best news ive heard in a while.
Itd be cool if it could break 'white' down to region
Guess now I know why I like gardening so much
You're cool, Siegurdo.
Ima start a new gang called the Aryan Hermanohood.
these fucking kikes definitely trained it on "white hispanics"
New kike doxxing weapon has been deployed, hand rubbing intensifies I was just kidding
Just another attempt to convince all the goyim that they're all mixed anyways," there's nothing left to protect goyim might as well fuck monkeys"
Yeah i got it, slowly
We need WN biotics labs
Weaponized Ebola Now
Just create a virus to target all jews, give it a week to show symptoms. Booya!
Sprinkle it on money
Also see:
😂 😂 😂
Very bad goy, very bad indeed
Weaponize TB and cropdust africa. Shoot anything that tries to leave for 10 years.
World hunger solved
Or just poison the rice, 2 continents with 1 stone
The greatest single humanitarian act in history
According to ancient texts, the custom of throwing coins into wells is because wells serve the dual purpose of also being top-notch jewtraps.
GMO Ebola rice war
@Siegurd might make your water taste a little funny though
This water tastes... sneaky
@My Name Is Hate we'll dig drywells for heritage coin tossing ceremonies.
White people getting together to set jew traps. Sounds like a good time to me.
A bonding experience, deal me in.
Dont drink the water you might get infected