Message from @Fitzydog

Discord ID: 538156635764293632

2019-01-25 00:37:23 UTC  

@fschutt How old are you?

2019-01-25 00:37:26 UTC  

all these political terms are relative, subjective and meaningless.

2019-01-25 00:37:41 UTC  

they're all just normal people

2019-01-25 00:37:50 UTC  

I can literally draw circles on the political compass for these terms

2019-01-25 00:37:51 UTC

I'm the same label I was 10 years ago, when Sargon was working in an office 🀷🏿

2019-01-25 00:38:10 UTC  

Conservative and Liberal can be very close, or very distant. It is a spectrum.

2019-01-25 00:38:20 UTC  

the normal liberal and conservative definitions don't matter anymore as they're so close compared to the alt right and far left that they may as well be centrist

2019-01-25 00:38:27 UTC  

A spectrum, just like autism <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2019-01-25 00:38:34 UTC  

@Mal does coca-cola have death squads?
checkmate statist

2019-01-25 00:38:48 UTC

2019-01-25 00:38:58 UTC  

those big vats in their production facilities? Clone trooper vats <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2019-01-25 00:38:59 UTC  

oy vey

2019-01-25 00:39:12 UTC  

Yeah libertarian has been around for a while.The memes are about internet libertarians who are in fact retarded.

2019-01-25 00:39:15 UTC  

Well fuck

2019-01-25 00:40:31 UTC  

I'm not that old. I mean I can vote (although I choose not to), but I don't spend most of my day on politics, so I'm not very well-versed on politics.

Guys, young people are into fads.

but atleast you all got you learn what all the words actually mean

cus school wasn't gunna teach you

2019-01-25 00:41:34 UTC  

Conservative is a loose term, relative to the current political paradigm.

Libertarian is a consistent set of beliefs about the status of government in relation to the citizens

2019-01-25 00:41:59 UTC  


2019-01-25 00:42:20 UTC  

Both are classical liberals

2019-01-25 00:42:37 UTC  

Libertarian thinks govt should fuck off to varying degrees

2019-01-25 00:42:45 UTC  

but this got me thinking: dankula considers himself a libertarian, but would you? Or is he also a "classic liberal"?

2019-01-25 00:42:52 UTC  

I mean, if you can draw circles, that would actually be pretty helpful. Because at least for me this "spectrum" is more or less turning into a complete mush of labels.

2019-01-25 00:43:00 UTC  

it's not a spectrum

2019-01-25 00:43:00 UTC  

You can be both

2019-01-25 00:43:07 UTC  

It's an overlap

2019-01-25 00:43:10 UTC  

Conservative, in the US context, *is* liberal. Because the only political tradition to 'conserve' here is classical liberalism from the enlightenment.

2019-01-25 00:43:22 UTC  


2019-01-25 00:43:23 UTC  

It is a spectrum, but in more than two directions.

2019-01-25 00:43:46 UTC  


2019-01-25 00:43:51 UTC  

'murricans don't have the old fashioned crown-loyalist conservatives

2019-01-25 00:43:52 UTC  

Also yes

2019-01-25 00:43:59 UTC  

what with not being a monarchy

2019-01-25 00:44:21 UTC  

We do get idealistic about our founders though

2019-01-25 00:44:32 UTC  

Who doesn’t?

2019-01-25 00:44:35 UTC

2019-01-25 00:44:49 UTC  

your founders also weren't as inbred as some of the royal families here <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2019-01-25 00:45:08 UTC  

Hapsburg shmapsburg

2019-01-25 00:45:16 UTC  

One was a poor urchin

2019-01-25 00:45:44 UTC  

Like, if an American is a hard-core conservative they want a constitutional republic. Which is kind of a liberal position. Perversely a hard-core liberal wants socialism which isn't very liberal at all.