Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 354566389312520203
from its earliest conception, Anarchism has requiered collectivism. Why? Becouse left alone, any one person would freeze and starve to death. Only in cooperation can any single indevigual survive. Even in modern times
There is a difference between collectivism and co-operation.
Do you know how many social studies are done every year? Hand picking one that vaguely conforms with your politics does not make you smart or convincing, much less when you spam it over multiple channels. We are not only unimpressed, but insulted..
"1 blocked message"
I wonder who it could be
*tips fedora*
>Makhno's retardation
hey you take that back
at least he uh kinda corrected his mistakes
but like didn't actually enact the correction
but that was because free territory was already kill
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***bread#0708 has been warned.***
The best people in the world are like steel. They can be your shield and your sword. They can defend and play offense. Even if they start out cold, they eventually warm up to be the fire that you need in a snowy world
Warm steel would hurt like hell, don't want that shit neer me
yo people
what do you lot think about voting/abstaining?
does each citizen have the obligation to contribute to the electoral process even if they may not feel like supporting a specefic party
no democratic voting is horrible
completely unnecessary and detrimental
monarchy would be a better alternative than democracy
Something tells me you don't have the expirience or knowledge to back that up. (most likely you haven't left your house in years)
bread the problem with undemocratic systems is to maintain power, the leader needs to benefit the people who are best at keeping them in power, rather than the demos
democracy is a spook
To hell with demongrazy - Bordeega
fucking anarchists
jewish run shills
waste of human dna