
Discord ID: 203961435028455424

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actuallyanarchism has worked historicly...which is why authoritarians wiped it out

see paris commune, see spain, see russian anarchists idurinthe revolution

the problem with thingslike deepgreen is that they fail to take into consideration the fact the moder agraculture is requiered to feed 7 billion people

and that most of the people who would starve would be POC,

depedning how far back into deep green you go, your talking an 80 to 99% starvation rate

gets me booted from more communist anarchist servers then i can count

its not even that, its people not being able to argue

you throw two, many three facts at them and they go from ad hom's straight to ban requests...the last place i was on, they literally rewrote the rules just to have me banned...for quoting anarchists on an anarhcist board

never heard of it, what is leftbook?

ugh, fb is cancer, so that being cancer goes without saying

the entire structure is based around social status heirarchies

not quite what i was refering to, but still a reasonable criteque

i have no clue what you just said

haven't been on the chans in years though

thats a dick move

if you cannot argue with someone, come up with better arguements

my general standard is the first person to go for the censorship bat looses the arguement

i am slightly confused, i thought this was leftypol?

ahhh ok, so this is related how?

this discord

the problem si that there is no free market

it is a contraditcion in terms

"Markets without givernment interferance"? How are you going to adjudicate property when one party flatly does not want resolution?

"markets where purchasers and sellers have free entery and exit"? WOrkers are fored to sell labor or starve unless you have a welfare state far more expancive then anything currently cocieved.

ty sir, my point exactly

no one wants an acutall free market, what they want is a market with governement incentives for themselves and fuck everyone else. there are certainly good people who might believe they want a free market, but when you point ou the above to them they realise it is not what they actually wanted

2017-08-14 05:33:23 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

wen't docs in vogue with anarchist in the 90's? i remember EVERYONE wanting docs back then...

facists is shit, but there is a problem when BLMs demands for reperations are functionally .6% of the worlds population demanding 45% of the worlds wealth. I am not interested in changing the composition of the 1%, i am interested in there not BEING a 1%

need mroe fffkkng coffee

Agreed Valtiel, which is why we are seeing this crap, two groups of supremicists feeding eachother and trying to drag the rest of us along for th ride

lol, best image i could find

there, that got it

2017-08-17 15:54:19 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

why would i embrace a system that when handed everything ti could have wanted failed repeatedly?

2017-08-17 15:54:42 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

and no, socialism never got the class concouse working prolitariat it wanted.

2017-08-17 16:55:48 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

1) Fascism/Monarchism is a system that has repeatedly failed every time ti has been attempted becouse one person cannot possibly be expected to know everything nessesary to manage a wide area of porduction. 2) antifa is a gang of semiliterate hipsters who think punching people make them look kool. ANd by hipster i mean anyone who is more interested in personal statuse then coherant social revolution. If you do not have a celar understanding of how you are reorganizing production on the day after the revolution, your revolution has already failed

2017-08-17 17:24:36 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

you only read the first sentance didn't you...

2017-08-17 17:26:21 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

in order to succeed, a revolution need one of two things, Broad based public support, or borad based publicappathy. Shooting people in the streets gets us neither

2017-08-18 06:42:24 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

the only one of those to still have a monarchy is the UK, and it has all the decision making power of a gerbel

2017-08-18 06:46:14 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

already delt with that. COmmunim never got the class concouse prolitariat it needed, Monarchism had literally every condition immaginable and still failed....and you just argued my point, a system that lacks public support is a failed system, go read locke again please

2017-08-18 06:50:03 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

yes, just becouse you do not have a set of wrenches means you have no clue how to repair a car....oh, wait

2017-08-18 06:50:57 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

have you looked at saudi arabia? the have paramilitary malicias killing people in the streets for questioning the state religeon...that no success, thats despratly staving off total collapse

2017-08-18 06:51:39 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

the only thing keeping people from supporting monarchism is the actions of every monarchy in history, all of which where inevitably tyranical and repressive

2017-08-18 06:52:28 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

what was the quote from the hapsburgs, "you can do everything with a bayonet, except sit on it"

2017-08-18 06:56:46 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

i have read the history of austria hungry

2017-08-18 06:57:20 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

it was acobbled together mess of nationalities that was perpetually on the edge of revolution and requiered violent suppresions every few years to keep it in one piece

2017-08-18 06:57:50 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

prussia was cohesive only becouse it was tiny, germany was a monarchy of all of what, 50 years

2017-08-18 06:58:20 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

and the british executed more then a couple of their kings before diciding that maybe kings where not the best idea to begin with

2017-08-18 06:59:05 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

i am trying to dicide if you are trolling or just have not read any european hisotry

2017-08-18 07:01:35 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

pretty much yeah, they where

2017-08-18 07:02:27 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

hapsburgs lost ww1 becouse their army could have cared less if they won or not. Charles got it for being a nutter. WIlhelm same reason

2017-08-18 07:03:07 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

lemme repeat, a revoution needs one of two conditions to win, broad public support or broad public apathy

2017-08-18 08:20:24 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]

to me the issue is more that if you are attacking statuesyou have pretty much set yourself up for failure....see the sadam statues getting pulled down at the start of the iraq debacle

ok, how about china demolishing budda statues or the taliban doing the same

every failed revolution targeted "Symbolism" towards it slide into despotism becouse it could not make a clear case for its benifit to the people

my point exactly

if you are attacking culture, not economics, you have already failed

@National Trotskyist full text please, with source? Becosue what i have just read has no relation to anything ay anarchist or socialsit would eevr support

2017-08-22 06:52:10 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

@TL;DR#4948 is this the real tldr?

egoist anarchism has been tried, see the colapse of the roman empire

no there are coherant phillosophies of anarchism, see Kropotkin

but egoism is not one of them

judge for yourself, i asm nothing more of anyone then that

and i see the conversation has come full circle back to the period immedeatly following the collapse of the roman empire.

here is a clue, if you had read Proudhon you would know that in order for the most basic level of survival to occur, cooperation between indevigual producers (IE workers) is nessesary.

"โ€œThe capitalist,โ€ they say, โ€œhas paid the laborers their daily wages.โ€ To be accurate, it must be said that the capitalist has paid as many times one dayโ€™s wage as he has employed laborers each day, โ€” which is not at all the same thing. For he has paid nothing for that immense power which results from the union and harmony of laborers, and the convergence and simultaneousness of their efforts. Two hundred grenadiers stood the obelisk of Luxor upon its base in a few hours; do you suppose that one man could have accomplished the same task in two hundred days? Nevertheless, on the books of the capitalist, the amount of wages paid would have been the same. Well, a desert to prepare for cultivation, a house to build, a factory to run, โ€” all these are obelisks to erect, mountains to move. The smallest fortune, the most insignificant establishment, the setting in motion of the lowest industry, demand the concurrence of so many different kinds of labor and skill, that one man could not possibly execute the whole of them. It is astonishing that the economists never have called attention to this fact. " Pierre Joseph Proudhon

from its earliest conception, Anarchism has requiered collectivism. Why? Becouse left alone, any one person would freeze and starve to death. Only in cooperation can any single indevigual survive. Even in modern times

2017-09-24 03:08:29 UTC [/leftypol/ International #serbian]  

i am guessing it is abot

2017-12-24 05:37:39 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english] christmas video on consumerism, feminism and the new starwars

speaking of getting kicked, wasn't there an alternate /leftypol with an acutal mod team? is that still around or did ti collapse?

also, it is the only national anthem dedicated to a dead pimp

hey anyone, the link to the alternative leftypol discord?

2018-11-23 01:40:47 UTC [Men's Human Rights #lounge] Me dealing with badmouses incoherence on free speech.

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