Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 355597628982951937
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***bread#0708 has been warned.***
The best people in the world are like steel. They can be your shield and your sword. They can defend and play offense. Even if they start out cold, they eventually warm up to be the fire that you need in a snowy world
Warm steel would hurt like hell, don't want that shit neer me
yo people
what do you lot think about voting/abstaining?
does each citizen have the obligation to contribute to the electoral process even if they may not feel like supporting a specefic party
no democratic voting is horrible
completely unnecessary and detrimental
monarchy would be a better alternative than democracy
Something tells me you don't have the expirience or knowledge to back that up. (most likely you haven't left your house in years)
bread the problem with undemocratic systems is to maintain power, the leader needs to benefit the people who are best at keeping them in power, rather than the demos
democracy is a spook
To hell with demongrazy - Bordeega
fucking anarchists
jewish run shills
waste of human dna
>muh juice
Right on queue.
preheat your ovens kids
Attero Dominatus - Today at 1:32 AM
Well I've never been a fascist in my life so the most I know about fascism are Fascist Italy and its policies and Nazi Germany ( which I have been told repeatedly falls under the category of 'ethnic fascism' )
Overall I always assumed fascism is pro-capitalist and can't function properly without an oligarchy
But most self-proclaimed fascists I speak to claim to be right-wing and anti-socialist/anti-communist/generally anti-leftist
Attero Dominatus - Today at 1:17 PM
But that aside, what is it that makes you a self-proclaimed 'fascist'? Like generally what about the ideology?
I'm asking because I never understood the 'appeal' of fascism
Common Pleb Radio - Today at 5:07 PM
Hey, sorry
I was at school when you were sending me messages. Are you still there?
Wel, let me go down the list and reply to them all.
As I've said, world view. Not policy. Fascism is a wider world view of competition between peoples, spirituality, moralism, and nationalism. Meritocracy generally is in there, with regulation. A smart poor kid goes to college, whilst a dumb rich kid does not.
As well, no. It is not inherently for Capitalism. Capitalism, in general, is in opposition to nationalism. As the profit motive tipically overcomes more of the nationalistic cohesion and moral unity and spiritual soundness.
At the end of the day, many men are corruptable.
Capitalism, the waving of money in your face, it can lead to you committing 'small treasons' as I'd call it. Selling on the basis of sex, gluttony, and so forth and so on. It is immoral at it's core, the profit motive being what drives it. As well, importing cheap brown labour is cheaper (and there for better) then hiring white, native workers. So I'd say it's in general anti-fascist and anti-nationalist. As to Oligrachy, what do you mean? It most definitally ain't a democracy, but oligrachy and autocracy generally blend together in definitions. Anyway, I'm a fan of meritocracy. The right to power by your abilities as a person, not your popularity or whatever else similar.
I'd say it depends upon the fascist, but most of the time it's Autocratic or Oligarchic metriocracy.
Anti-communism is not anti-socialism. Communism is an economic, social, and poitical ideology
derived from Karl Marx's writings.
This is why a lot of third positionists call it 'Marxian Socialism', because it is not socialism in general that we dispise. But specifically the all-consuming Marxism. Which is atheist, internationalist, and with it's real implementations is not really viable on the side fo economic issues. At least, with a command economy.
Yes, there are some people so very uneducated as to be believe that socialism and communism have no difference, I've gotten hammered by a specific gay fascist on the issue because I still called myself a socialist. Which i was - I supported workers' holding the means of production in a makret economy, not a command economy. But they paint all socailists in that colour, don't pay them much mind if they can't get it.
As to the 'appeal' as you'd label it, it's not really an appeal. It's the truth and ugly at that.But I believe that the fascist state, when practiced properly and with a culture strong enough to support it, can do wonders in this world. Including securing positive freedom (freedom to meaning) while also stunting the growth of degeneration.
All 'round good.
Enjoy the shackles of nihilism.
leftypol gay