Message from @Thomas Ryan
Discord ID: 404746348710199316
Got more pics now that the suns up, rush hour is here. 👌👌👌
It's still up! 💪🏻
And you put it directly over the clearance sign... 😐
Its faded to the point where the actual clearance isn't even visible
yea, just teasing. looks great
I take my clearance signs VERY seriously
Very nice
Did y'all pull a all nighter?
@Halfdan @Lucilomar - FL @Walking Holocaust-FL Absolutely fantastic work, guys. Tons of improvement. Great work.
Much more where that came from
@Charlemagne MD I did, had to go to work after this lol.
That was well worth the loss of sleep guys 👍
Looking forward to working with y'all soon!
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Tfw you use letters to get your spacing right and you spray it by accident...
Maybe cover it with some white paint, or whiteout.
Paint over it, or cut a bit of canvas and glue it on over.
I need some plastic 8" stencils boys
The ones I just bought already got thrown away
If you look at the G on mine I painted over it. Nobody noticed
The one pointing into the oven is my favorite
^ HAHAHA omfg
That's a big kitchen, fam.
That oven isn't big enough
Strong slav squat @Goodest_Boy
Protect them from what?
Lol. Nice coopting of mbmc
From themselves.
^On bike path.