Message from @Charlemagne MD
Discord ID: 404692207963078656
@Jay MI Burn that jacket, fam.
Suns up in 1.5hrs
Overpass isnt lit
We should be good, rush hour into Tampa starts around 6
Got more pics now that the suns up, rush hour is here. 👌👌👌
It's still up! 💪🏻
And you put it directly over the clearance sign... 😐
Its faded to the point where the actual clearance isn't even visible
yea, just teasing. looks great
I take my clearance signs VERY seriously
Very nice
Did y'all pull a all nighter?
@Halfdan @Lucilomar - FL @Walking Holocaust-FL Absolutely fantastic work, guys. Tons of improvement. Great work.
Much more where that came from
@Charlemagne MD I did, had to go to work after this lol.
That was well worth the loss of sleep guys 👍
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Tfw you use letters to get your spacing right and you spray it by accident...
Maybe cover it with some white paint, or whiteout.
Change it to "Deport Them, Lol"
Paint over it, or cut a bit of canvas and glue it on over.
I need some plastic 8" stencils boys
The ones I just bought already got thrown away
If you look at the G on mine I painted over it. Nobody noticed
The one pointing into the oven is my favorite
^ HAHAHA omfg
That's a big kitchen, fam.
That oven isn't big enough
Strong slav squat @Goodest_Boy
Protect them from what?