Message from @Kevin
Discord ID: 364476748601098251
Retweeting Jack Posobiec n shit
FL is remotely controlled speaking @Thomas Ryan did we lose that account during the split
Remotely controlled?
@Goymen Sachs I wish I had that guys issue of having so much ammo he needs to hire people to help shoot it off! 😂 And now I need another AR just to try that!
Today at 5 PM
We really need someone to go
Sadly we will have to purge some of our own race
That's dick to say even by my standards
@Eric TX From what I understand, as diseases laid claim to whites, we evolved with a higher degree of disgust sensitivity to our environment. As a result, we became highly orderly people. The weak died. The strong lived. Maybe this is just another disease? Our people will become stronger for surviving it and transcending these struggles.
@Goymen Sachs I could see that. Our seemingly "masochistic" tendencies could just be another stage of purging ourselves of our weqk
Scientists say flu 2.0 is coming just a matter of time
Been reading a lot on sick leave
Germs are constantly mutating flu is a hot topic because it mutates all the time becoming immune to what we throw at it. Their concern is eventually it's going to get to a point where we have a super bug
Those super bugs are already going around. Probiotics is the next step to countering them imo
There's other cases that are pretty interesting to read too, like how bats are basically carries of everything deadly known to man. It's suspected patient zero was a child playing near a tree full of bats when Ebola broke out hard. There's been flare ups still but I don't think that's anything to lose sleep over
Seems like when conditions are right things pop out of nowhere, like the Spanish flu being the last big one I think
Things tend to follow cycles that eventually become parabolic. Or, another way to put that is that the cycles follow the golden ratio:
Don't rely on society collapsing due to a superbug to get our way
@Goymen Sachs can you go into detail about the golden cycle?
@Kevin overall, I'm discussing distribution patterns. You have the bell curve like the one posted above. And then you have the Pareto principle.
Something new to learn thanks
@Goymen Sachs It doesn't necessarily have to follow the golden ration but we are experiencing geometric growth.
Im wondering how much i could get for that Winchester at a shop, i really want a rifle
Especially with how violent i think this country's about to get
You can get a brand new AR for $500
You may not need to sell it
Just because you can doesn't mean you should
You don't have a rifle?
I have a $1200 DPMS and a $550 Delton. The Delton works like a charm
Yeah im just strapped trying to move and shit
You can build a very nice AR for 700
I would like a ak or something like it