Message from @Thomas Ryan
Discord ID: 372590866260426753
Like Brae said, it's just one little thread and they pull and pull and pull and before you know it they've found all your stuff.
But eventually, this doxxing crap will be obsolete.
Even without social media, doxxers can still find your info through your old friends. (see Sean Kind cville doxxes)
It's really low and Jewy. We hate doing it, and only do it to retaliate.
You just need a big enough community to sustain you after being made public. And we're quickly getting there.
Their arguments are total shit, so they rely on "deplatforming," and hate speech sort of regulations.
They are physically pathetic, so they have to dox.
Yeah, cowards, and knaves they are.
They will not stop our 4th Reich.
awesome documentary
I wouldn't call our nation state a "reich" because we aren't German, my guy.
Can't be a continuation of folks you don't share a history with.
True. We are American, but essentially, we will have avenged their defeat, and restore their honor. No longer will they be the "devils" of history. Indeed, I agree with you. I will never be anything but American.
We definitely will view history in a vastly different way, yes, and disregard a whole host of slander and guilt laid on our people. However, as far as restoring their honor, that's up to the Germans, and that's their fight to wage. No one can do it for them, just as no one can save our nation but us.
But I get what you're saying.
The founders had a hard on for the Roman republic. And modeled our system of government on it. The Reich is a continuing of the Roman Empire. There's some correlation I suppose
Every great European civilization that existed after Rome has taken some inspiration from it's imperial or republican ideals and sought to build upon them.
Not saying that's a bad thing. It's the foundation of Western Civilization for a good reason.
True. Whites see it as our past golden age. Even with all its flaws
Western civilization =we wuz Romans. If you aren't larping as the spqr then you get deported.
@Thomas Ryan Does anyone have contact with Emily Youcis?
I have actually ID'd one of her DC attackers.
I want to make sure she files charges.
The more Antifa in jail/prison/or at least in the system, the better.
@Pale Horse - FL i think z might, he knows everybody. Re:Youcis
@SDO Phil-TX Is Z in PF with us?
Yeah @FashyMuscrat is his handle
Oh I think I met him. Good guy.
@Pale Horse - FL DM me the info we can get it to her.
Fun thing about SPQR, it means "the people and the senate". The nation and the state, brought together to function as a single entity. @Goodest_Boy
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